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Frederick  Arthur ' 



Chinese  Armorial  Porcelain 

MARCH  8th  81  9th,  1923 


Illustrated  Catalogue 
Price— Half-a-Guinea 

Telephone:  Gerrard  3716  (two  lines)  Established  1794 

Telegrams:  “ Puttickdom,  Westrand,  London" 





Chinese  Armorial  Porcelain 

Formed  by  the  late 


n » » 

of  The  Manor  House,  Godaiming,  Surrey 

Which,  by  order  of  the  Executors,  will  be  Sold  by  Auction 



A.  W.  Wilson  N.  H.  Archer 

W.  G.  Horsman  G.  C.  Wilson 

On  THURSDAY  & FRIDAY,  MARCH  8th  & 9th,  1923 



May  bz  viewed  the  two  days  prior  from  10  a.m.  until  5 p.m. 


I.  The  highest  Bidder  to  be  the  Buyer;  and  if  any  dispute  arise 
between  two  or  more  Bidders,  the  Lot  so  in  dispute  shall  be  immedi- 
ately put  up  again  and  re-sold. 

II.  The  Auctioneer  shall  regulate  the  bidding,  and  reserves  the 
•'ight  to  refuse  a bidding,  as  he  may  think  advisable. 

III.  In  the  case  of  Lots  upon  which  there  is  a reserve,  the 
Auctioneer  shall  have  the  right  to  bid  on  behalf  of  the  Seller. 

IV.  The  Purchasers  to  give  in  their  Names  and  Places  of  Abode, 
and  to  pay  down  os.  in  the  Pound,  or  more,  in  part  of  payment,  or  the 
whole  of  the  purchase  money,  if  required ; in  default  of  which,  the  Lot 
or  Lots  so  purchased  to  be  immediately  put  up  again  and  re-sold. 

V.  The  Lots  to  be  taken  away  and  paid  for,  whether  genuine  and 
authentic  or  not,  with  all  faults  and  errors  of  description,  at  the 
Buyer’s  expense  and  risk  within  Two  Days  from  the  Sale;  Messrs. 
Puttick:  & Simpson  not  being  responsible  for  the  correct  description, 
genuineness,  or  authenticity  of,  or  any  fault  or  defect  in,  any  Lot, 
and  making  no  warranty  whatever. 

VI.  To  prevent  inaccuracy  in  delivery,  and  inconvenience  in  the 
settlement  of  the  Purchases,  no  Lot  can  on  any  account  be  removed 
during  the  time  of  Sale;  and  the  remainder  of  the  Purchase-Money 
must  absolutely  be  paid  on  the  delivery. 

VII.  Upon  failure  of  complying  with  the  above  Conditions,  the 
Money  deposited  in  part  of  payment  shall  be  forfeited ; all  Lots 
uncleared  within  the  time  aforesaid  shall  be  re-sold  by  public  or  private 
Sale,  and  the  deficiency  (if  any)  attending  such  re-sale  shall  be  made 
good  by  the  defaulter  at  this  Sale. 

Ihiyers  who  are  unable  to  attend  the  Sale,  may  have  their  Commissions 
faithfully  executed  by  their  obedient  Servants, 


Auction  Rooms  for  the  Sale  of 
All  Fine  Art  Property, 

Leicester  Square,  London,  W.C. 

Collections  Catalogued,  Arranged  and  Valued  for  the  Probate 
and  Legacy  Duty  or  for  Public  or  Private  Sale. 


Estahlished  1794. 

( U././6  d/ufss-' 

Digitized  by  the  Internet  Archive 
in  2015 

208  308 



The  Frederick  Arthur  Crisp  Collection  of  Chinese 
Armorial  Porcelain  is  recognised  as  being  the  principal 
Collection  of  such  in  existence,  is  comprised  entirely  of 
specimens  of  Chinese  Porcelain  of  the  late  17th  and  early 
18th  Centuries,  decorated  in  China  with  the  armorial 
bearings  of  many  of  the  ancient  families  of  England,  in 
accordance  with  orders  sent  to  the  East. 

The  Sale  Catalogue  has  been  arranged  in  alphabetical 
order  and  compiled  with  reference  to  the  late  Mr.  Crisp’s 
privately  printed  Catalogue,  in  which  the  greatest  care  was 
taken  with  regard  to  the  accuracy  of  the  heraldic  informa- 
tion it  contains. 

Four  copies  only  of  this  privately  printed  Catalogue 
remain,  and  can  be  obtained  of  Messrs.  Phillimore  & Co., 
Ltd.,  120  Chancery  Lane,  W.C.2,  price  four  guineas  each. 

The  numbers  in  brackets  at  the  end  of  the  descrip- 
tions in  the  Sale  Catalogue  are  those  of  Mr.  Crisp’s 

Many  of  the  pieces  formed  part  of  the  Collection  of 
Armorial  Porcelain  formed  by  Joseph  Jackson  Howard, 
LL.D.,  F.S.A.,  Maltravers  Herald  Extraordinary,  which  was 
sold  by  Puttick  & Simpson  on  June  23rd,  1902.  A few 
pieces  of  old  English  Armorial  Pottery  and  Porcelain  have 
been  added. 


£ s.  *. 
3.  3.  o 

(o  . {p  . O 

3 . /3.C 

2.  Z o 




1 Adams,  impaling  Scott.  A coffee  cup  and  saucer, 

enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a giraffe’s  head, 
initials  J.E.A.  (889).  Ashley.  A caddy  and  cover, 
with  the  arms  and  crest,  motto,  Know  thyself  (991). 
Agard.  A tea  cup  and  two  custard  cups  and  cover, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  and  crest  (816,  1,038,  1,039). 

2 Allen,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence,  White.  A plate 

enamelled  with  arms,  the  border  with  the  crest,  a 
horse’s  head  out  of  a ducal  coronet,  and  with  flowers, 
emblems,  diaper  work  and  gilt,  (273).  Alexander, 
quarterly.  A plate  with  the  arms  and  crest,  a talbot’s 
head,  famille  verte,  K’ang-hsi  (762). 

3 Anson,  quartering  Carrier.  A plate  enamelled  with 

an  English  pastoral  scene,  the  border  with  the  arms  and 
crest,  a griffin’s  head,  and  with  shipping  scenes.  On 
the  reverse,  an  anchor  erect,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung 

Admiral  Lord  Anson  voyaged  round  the  world  in 
1742;  created  a peer  in  1747.  The  plate  probably  part 
of  a presentation  service. 

4 Archer,  impaling  Mears.  A tea  cup  and  saucer  and  a 

teapot  stand,  enamelled  with  the  arms  surrounded  by 
scrolls,  small  Chinese  figures  and  flowers,  crest  out  of 
a mural  crown,  a dragon’s  head,  motto,  Fortitudo, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (993-1009). 



Ashley-Cooper,  Earl  of  Shaftesbury.  An  octagonal 
dish,  enamelled  with  the  arms  quarterly,  supporters, 
two  maidens,  crest,  a bull,  and  with  flower  festoons, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  10 in.  wide.  Aquitar,  im- 
paling Losada.  A plate  and  a salt  cellar  with  the  arms 
and  crest. 

Atkins.  A pair  of  shaped  mugs  enamelled  with  the  arms 
in  a cartouche  with  puce  outline  and  with  flowers,  the 
crest  two  greyhounds’  heads  above  motto,  \ incunt  cum 
legibus  arma,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  6 \in.  high 
(43,  44). 

7'7  6i 

The  Baker’s  Company,  of  London.  A tea  cup  and  saucer 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a wreath  supported  by 
two  hands,  motto  Praise  God  for  all,  and  with  flowers 
and  ribbons.  Bradford.  A tea  cup  and  saucer  enamelled 
with  two  coats  of  arms  surmounted  by  a coronet,  and 
another  cup  inscribed.  Belonging  to  the  ancient  family 
of  Bradford.  Baillie,  impaling  Campbell.  A pair  of 
salt  cellars,  and  a coffee  cup.  Brough.  A small  bowl 
with  the  arms,  crest,  a swan’s  head  and  with  flower 

Bailey,  impaling  Wilkinson.  An  octagonal  soup  tureen 
and  cover  enamelled  with  the  arms,  the  scroll  mantling 
in  pink  and  white  and  with  flowers,  crest,  an  antelope’s 
head,  the  ground  with  parrots  and  flowers,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung , 12 in.  wide,  and  a pair  of  octagonal  soup 
plates  qf  the  same  (255,  551,  552). 


Baillie,  impaling  Gordon.  A chocolate  pot  and  cover, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a 
crescent,  and  with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung  (315). 


Barnwell.  A punch  bowl  enamelled  with  the  arms  and 
scroll  mantling,  crest,  a wolf’s  head  gorged  with  a 
collar,  motto,  Loyal  an  Mort,  and  with  flower  branches 
in  gold  outlined  with  rouge  de  fer,  Ch’ien-lung , Ilf  in. 
diam.  (147). 

A//.  6 11 

Barnwell.  A tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer,  enamelled 
with  the  same  arms,  crest  and  motto,  and  with  gilt 
borders,  Ch’ien-lung  (28,625). 

<■  t-  <1 


(p  . /6  . C 12 

Barrington,  impaling.  A saucer  disli  enamelled  with,  the 
arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a hermit’s  bust,  the 
border  with  flowers  in  gold  (206).  Cassy.  A plate 
enamelled  with  flowers,  emblems  and  small  river  scenes, 
the  arms  in  the  border  (594).  Duncombe,  impaling 
Verney.  A coffee  cup  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest 
out  of  a ducal  crown,  a horse’s  hind  leg.  Anthony  Dun- 
combe, afterwards  Lord  Faversham,  married  in  1747 
Margaret  Verney,  daughter  of  Lord  Willoughby  de 
Broke.  Anonymous.  A Nankin  soup  tureen  and  cover 
with  arms,  etc.,  and  a large  cylindrical  mug  painted 
with  arms  and  motto  Tria  juncta  in  uno. 





Beauple,  impaling  Bettes  worth.  A set  of  three  cylin- 
drical mugs  richly  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll 
mantling  and  surmounted  by  the  crest,  with  flower 
sprays  and  gold  borders,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 4 \in. 
to  5§ in.  high  (718  to  720). 

9.  9-  -w 

Beauple.  A pair  of  sauce  boats  and  a pair  of  salt  cellars 
of  the  same  (723,  724,  412  and  413). 

6.  /6  .6  15 

Beauple.  A circular  soup  tureen  and  cover  of  the  same 

?■  ? ~ 16 

Beauple.  A pair  of  circular  dishes  of  the  same,  lh\in. 
diarn.  (1,034  and  1,035). 

<£\  <£  . — 17 

Beckford.  A Nankin  cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with  the 
arms  in  a cartouche  of  Louis  XY.  design,  in  colours  and 
gilt,  crest,  a heron’s  head,  the  arms  and  crest  are  also 
introduced  in  smaller  panels,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung,  5 \in.  high  (903),  and  a small  bowl. 

"HCrom  the  J.  J . Howard  Collection. 

^ —18 

Beckwith.  A bowl  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a drapery 
cartouche,  crest,  an  antelope,  motto  Loir  en  bien, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  ll^n.  diam.  (777). 

/o  ■ /O  . 19 

Beech,  impaling.  A pair  of  octagonal  soup  tureens  and 
covers,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  medallions,  sur- 
rounded by  flowers  and  drapery,  animal  mask  handles, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 12 in.  wide  (339,  341). 


{ t ■ * 

7./2.C  20 

'o.L  -21 


'2.  (2.  -23 

//.  ^--24 


Bengough.  Two  cylindrical  mug's  enamelled  with,  the 
arms  in  a cartouche  of  gold  scrollwork  on  ermine, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 4 \in.  and  bin.  high  (783  and 

Bennet,  Earl  of  Tankerville,  with  escutcheon  of 
pretence,  Colebrooke.  A punch  bowl  enamelled  with 
the  arms,  quarterly  of  eight,  supporters,  two  lions 
argent,  crest,  a scaling'  ladder  surmounted  by  an  earl’s 
coronet,  motto,  Be  bon  vouloir  servir  le  roy,  and  with 
flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  11  \in.  diam. 
(501).  Charles  Bennet,  fifth  Earl  of  Tanlterville, 
married  in  1771  Emma,  daughter  of  Sir  James  Cole- 
brooke of  Gatton,  Baronet. 

Best,  impaling.  A soup  plate  richly  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  crest,  out  of  a ducal  coronet,  a demi-eagle,  the 
border  with  flowering  branches  and  diaper  pattern  in 
colours,  Indian  ink  and  gold,  famille  rose,  Yung-cheng 

Bishop,  impaling  Campbell.  A teapot  and  cover  enamelled 
with  the  arms,  scroll  mantling-  in  red  and  gold,  g-riflin 
crest  and  motto,  In  te  Bomine  speravi,  and  with  flower 
sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-hmg,  and  a tea  cup  (34  and 
35).  Busby.  A teapot  and  cover  enamelled  with  the 
arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a stag’s  head  (290). 
Brook.  A small  bowl  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest, 
a demi-seahorse  (417).  Burrell,  impaling  Raymond. 
A basin,  a tea  cup  and  saucer  and  a tea  caddy  enamelled 
with  the  arms  in  drapery  cartouches,  crest,  a naked 
arm  grasping  a sprig  of  laurel,  motto,  Per  fluctus  ad 
or  am  (112,  208,  584). 

William  Burrell,  M.P.  for  Haslemere,  married  in 
1773  Sapphira  Raymond,  of  Valentine  House,  Essex. 

Biss,  impaling  Bill.  A circular  dish  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  surrounded  by  bold  leafage,  crest,  two  snakes 
entwined,  motto,  Sis  fadix  bis,  the  border  with  flower 
and  butterflies  in  panels  on  a ground  of  diaper  pattern 
in  gold  and  black,  famille  rose,  Yung-clieng , 11  in. 
diam.  (300). 

Blackwell,  Baronet.  A pair  of  shaped  jugs  and  covers, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  gold  scroll  mantling,  crest, 
a swan’s  head  ducally  gorged,  10m.  high,  and  a small 
bowl,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (503,  504,  558). 

£■  *■  * 


^ • 26  Blewit  (Devon).  A barrel  shape  mug  enamelled  with  the 

arms  in  puce  and  g-old  scroll  mantling,  with  the  crest 
and  initials  C1.  W.  B.,  the  ground  with  flower  sprays  and 
festoon  borders,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  5 Hn.  high 

From  the  J . J . Howard  Collection. 

(?.  — 27 

Blount.  Two  small  plates,  an  oval  stand  and  three  sweet- 
meat dishes,  enamelled  with  the  arms  surrounded  by 
flower  festoons,  crest,  a sun  in  splendour,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung  (743,  744,  885-888).  Anonymous.  A 
Nankin  tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer,  enamelled  with 
armorials  in  two  shields  and  with  blue  and  gilt  borders 
(725,  726).  Bennet.  A caddy  and  cover  and  a sugar 
basin  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll 
mantling,  crest,  a demi-lion,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung 
(926,  940). 

9 - O’  . 28  Booth,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence,  Wilkinson.  A soup 

plate  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a lion  passant,  the 
border  with  scrolls  in  rouge  de  fer  and  gold,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung  (581).  John  Booth,  of  Theobald’ s,  Herts, 
married  Phoebe  Wilhinson.  Bagnall,  impaling  Robin- 
son. A plate  with  the  arms,  crest,  a heron  holding  a 
sprig,  the  border  with  flowers  in  panels  on  pink  diaper 
ground,  famille  rose,  Yung-cheng  (562).  Barrow, 
impaling  Dighton.  A plate  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 
squirrel  eating  a nut,  the  border  with  parrots,  shells 
and  flowers  (563). 

7 7 

29  Bourchier.  A sweetmeat  dish  and  cover  enamelled  with 
the  arms  and  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a man’s  head  ducally 
crowned,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (195).  Bevan.  A 
milk  jug  enamelled  with  crest,  a griffin  passant,  and 
initials  J.  J.  B.  (374).  Burt.  A milk  jug  with  the 
arms,  crest,  a bugle  horn  (910).  Bigland,  A caddy  and 
cover  and  a saucer,  the  arms  quarterly  of  six,  crest,  a 
lion  passant,  motto,  Gratitudo  (948,  1129). 

O / ( 30  Bothell.  A cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 

a cartouche  of  Louis  XIV.  design  surmounted  by  the 
crest  and  with  groups  of  flowers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung,  4 \in.  high  (899). 

From  the  J . J.  Howard  Collection. 

< s.  *, 


Lf . . a*31 

Bowne.  A shaped  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
scroll  mantling,  crest,  a griffin,  and  with  flower  sprays, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 6 \in.  high. 

'.f . ILf  .^32 

Boyd,  of  Danson,  Kent.  A large  punch  howl,  enamelled 
with  the  arms  in  ermine  cartouche,  crest,  a plume  of 
feathers  argent  (the  badge  of  Ulster)  and  with  groups 
of  flowers,  gold  diaper  border,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung,  15f in.  cliam.  (556). 

t+.  It-0  33 

Boyd,  impaling.  A Nankin  soup  tureen  and  cover 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  bordered  with  flowers  and 
scrolls  in  puce,  green  and  gold,  motto,  Confdo,  the 
ground  with  butterflies  and  flowers  in  blue,  famille  rose , 
Ch’ien-lung  (477). 


Braddyll,  Cumberland,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence. 
Gale.  A cup  and  saucer  enamelled  with  the  arms, crest, 
a badger  passant  (443).  Byng.  A coffee  cup  and  saucer 
with  the  arms,  supporters,  an  antelope  and  a seahorse, 
motto,  Tuebor.  Bellew,  a saucer,  with  the  arms, 
crest,  a dexter  hand  holding-  a sword  (769).  Brooke, 
impaling  Allen.  A tea  cup  with  the  arms,  crest,  a fox 
passant.  Bayley,  impaling  Campbell.  A coffee  cup 
with  the  arms  and  crest,  motto,  Quid  clarius  astris 
(245).  Boswell.  A coffee  cup  with  the  crest  and  motto 
(685).  Barrett,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence,  Tyers. 
A two-handled  cup  and  cover,  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 

3.5.“  35 

Braithwaite.  A Nankin  tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer 
enamelled  with  the  arms  and  ermine  mantling',  crest,  a 
greyhound  couchant,  motto,  Generoso  germini  germo 
(770,  771).  Braithwaite,  impaling.  A coffee  pot  and 
cover,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  blue  and  gold,  crest, 
a greyhound  (128). 

The  tea  service  of  which  these  pieces  formed  a part, 
from  the  H.  W.  Diamond  Collection. 

(,./(,  £36 

Bridgman.  Two  cylindrical  mugs,  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  crest,  a demi-lion  rampant,  the  mantling  in 
buff  and  red,  inscribed  below  “ The  Bridgman’s 
Arms,”  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  bin.  and  5f in.  high 

5.  5 -37 

Bridgman.  A large  sauce  boat  with  the  same  arms,  etc. 

S’  & , 



& ■ & — 38 

3.  3.  — 39 

/ 3.  /3.  — 40 

3 • 3.  — 41 

7 ■ 7 ■ ~ 42 

F.  /&.  G,  43 

4 . /*+  . £ 44 


Brimstree  Loyal  Legion.  A Salopian  modelled  leaf  jug-, 
with  mask  spout,  painted  with  the  Royal  Arms  and 
military  trophies,  and  with  gilt  borders,  the  interior  of 
the  rim  inscribed  “ Brimstree  Loyal  Legion,”  S marie 
in  gold,  8 in.  high. 

Bromley,  quarterly.  A cylindrical  mug,  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  a cartouche  of  gold  scroll  work  and  flowers, 
the  crest  a demi-lion  out  of  a gold  crown,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung,  4f in.  high  (897). 

From  the  J . J.  Howard  collection. 

Brydges,  with  the  escutcheon  of  pretence.  An  Imari 
oval  dish,  enamelled  with  the  arms  quarterly,  sup- 
porters, two  otters  argent,  crest,  the  bust  of  an  old 
man  clothed,  motto,  Mantien  le  droit,  a pair  of  sweet- 
meat dishes  and  covers,  and  a plate  of  the  same,  K’ang- 
hsi  (591,  592,  593,  808). 

Brydges.  A soup  tureen  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the 
same  arms  and  crest  differently  depicted,  blue  and  gold 
borders  (184). 

Bucknall.  A tea  pot  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  with  scroll  borders  in  pink,  blue  and  gold,  crest, 
a stag’s  head,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (971).  Anony- 
mous. A caddy  and  cover,  a tea  cup  and  saucer  and 
two  small  plates,  enamelled  with  armorials  and  crests, 
surrounded  by  scrolls  and  flowers  (1030-1033). 
Burges,  impaling'  two  tea  cups  and  saucers,  enamelled 
with  the  arms,  surrounded  by  flowers  and  scrolls  in 
colours  and  gold,  crest  out  of  a mural  crown  chequy  or 
and  sable  a round  buckle,  motto,  Interest  in  Christ  safe 
for  ever  (159,  392). 

Burnett.  A soup  tureen  and  cover,  a sauce  tureen,  cover 
and  stand  and  a plate,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  oval 
shields,  bordered  with  scroll  mantling  and  flowers  in 
colours  and  gold,  crest,  a branch  of  holly,  motto,  Nec 
fluctu,  nec  flatu,  and  with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose, 

Butler,  impaling.  A Nankin  cylindrical  mug,  enamelled 
with  the  arms,  the  scroll  mantling  in  sepia  and  rouge 
de  fer,  and  with  eagle  crest,  sprays  of  flowers  and  blue 
scroll  work,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  h\in.  high 

From  the  J . 7.  Howard  collection. 





V.  o?'49 

\(.//.&h  0 

//.//.— 50  a 

//.  ^51 

^.9.  - 52 


C.  An  oblong  tea  pot  and  cover,  and  a two-handled  cup 
and  saucer,  enamelled  with  a soldier  seated  on  a gun 
carriage  with  horse,  and  with  crest,  pink  and  green 
diaper  borders,  famille  rose,  Cli  ien-lung  (288,  767). 

J.  C.  A punchbowl,  enamelled  with  a hound  crest,  motto, 
Take  heed , inscribed  with  the  monogram,  and  with 
flower  sprays,  gold  diaper  border,  famille  rose,  Ch’ ien- 
lung,  lh\in.  diam. 

Campbell,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence.  A tea  pot  and 
cover,  a milk  jug  and  cover  and  two  coffee  cups, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a shield,  with  gold  scroll 
border,  and  with  crest,  a sun  in  splendour,  flower 
sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ ien-lung  (545,  549,  1008). 

Campbell,  quarterly.  A circular  dish,  enamelled  with 
the  arms  having  swan  supporters,  crest,  a parrot  proper, 
motto,  Ubi  libertas  ibi  patria,  the  crest  is  also  intro- 
duced in  the  border,  and  with  bands  of  gold  ornament 

Campbell,  impaling.  Another,  with  the  arms  differently 
depicted,  15m.  diam.  (499). 

Campbell,  John,  Duke  of  Greenwich.  A bowl 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  supporters,  two  lions  behind 
a shield,  the  sword  and  Field-Marshal’s  baton  of  Scot- 
land, surmounted  by  a ducal  coronet,  crest,  a boar’s 
head,  motto,  Ne  obliviscaris,  famille  rose,  Ch'  ien-lung , 
lOJm.  diam.  (792). 

John,  Duke  of  Greenwich,  in  1715,  commanded  the 
Royal  Army  in  Scotland  at  Sheriff  Muir. 

A Canadian  Company.  Six  Nankin  plates,  a soup  plate 
and  six  small  plates,  enamelled  with  the  arms  and  with 
figure  supporters,  crest,  a sphere  surmounted  by  a sail- 
ing ship,  motto,  Commercio  liberali  crescimus,  Ch'ien- 
lung,  and  a tureen  of  the  same  of  Ironstone. 

Carmichael.  A part  service,  painted  with  the  arms  in 
scroll  mantling',  in  Indian  ink  and  gold,  crest  a dexter 
arm,  motto,  Toujours  prest,  and  with  festoons  of 
flowers  and  husks,  Ch’ ien-lung , comprising’  two  tea  pots 
and  covers,  a sugar  bowl  and  cover,  a milk  jug,  and  a 
tea  caddy  (678,  668,  669,  700). 

Carmichael.  A soup  tureen  and  cover,  with  the  same 
decoration,  and  a set  of  four  salt  cellars. 


/ * . 

y . /y.  & 53 

Carmichael.  A sauce  tureen,  cover  and  stand,  a sauce 
boat  and  stand  and  a salt  cellar,  enamelled  with  the 
same  arms,  the  other  decoration  in  colours,  famille 
rose,  Ch’ ien-lung  (344,  345  and  385). 

A,.  /U  . 6 54 

Carr.  A soup  plate,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 
stag’s  head,  and  with  flowers  and  bamboo  (758). 
Davison,  impaling  Carr.  A plate,  with  the  arms,  crest, 
under  a naval  crown,  a dove,  famille  verte,  K’ang-hsi 
(763).  Curteis.  A plate,  with  the  arms,  crest,  an 
unicorn  behind  four  fir  trees,  the  border  with  oak 
branches  (750). 

T.  liT.  ^55 

Carr,  impaling  Bigge.  A pair  of  cylindrical  mugs, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling  in  rouge 
de  fer  and  gilt,  and  with  crest,  the  ground  pencilled  in 
sepia  and  gilt  with  flower  branches  and  with  diaper 
borders,  Cli  ien-lung , bhin.  high  (257,  258). 

Robert  Carr,  of  Hampton,  Middlesex,  married 
firstly  Grace  Bigg,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

//.  //  — 56 

Carr.  A circular  dish,  15j?n.  diam.  (478),  a tea  pot, cover 
and  stand,  a sugar  basin  and  cover,  a tea  cup  and 
saucer,  and  a tea  caddv  and  cover,  of  the  same  (209, 
210,  214,  248,  929). 

. / tf  . Cp  57 

Chadwick,  quarterly  of  six.  A pair  of  soup  tureens 
and  covers,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  shields,  pend- 
ing from  puce  ribbons  and  gold  festoons,  and  sided  by 
palm  branches,  blue  and  g'old  borders,  marked  under- 
neath Canton  in  China,  24 th  Jany.,  1791,  Ch’ ien-lung, 
and  a plate  of  the  same,  quarterly  (657,  658,  729). 

J . /9  C 58 

Chapman.  A cylindrical  mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms 
in  scroll  mantling,  pink,  sepia  and  gilt,  surmounted  by 
the  crest  and  with  motto,  Crescit  sub  pondere  virtus, 
and  with  small  panels  of  peonies,  in  blue  and  gold 
borders,  famille  rose,  Ch’ ien-lung,  5§ in.  high  (901),  a 
small  chocolate  pot  and  cover  of  the  same.  Chapman, 
impaling  Bell.  A bowl,  a tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and 
saucer,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  similar  crest  and 
flower  sprays  (378,  380). 

52  . /.  ‘ -59 

Chapman.  Two  circular  dishes  of  the  same,  13 \in.  and 
13f in.  diam.  (480,  481). 

See  illustration. 

7.  y.  C 60 

Chapman.  A deep  circular  dish  of  the  same. 

7-7  -61 

l2/~  62 

2/. -.-63 

/y  . /A  .665 

cj  jj.Cm 


3. f 3 668 

Chapman,  impaling  Wood  on  escutcheon,  Edmondson. 
A punch  howl,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mant- 
ling, crest,  a mailed  hand,  holding  a spear  with 
chaplet,  motto,  Crescit  sub  pondere  virtue,  and  with 
flower  sprays,  bianca  sopra  bianca,  fa  mi  lie  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung,  llfm.  diam.  (59). 

Chase.  A cylindrical  mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
a shaped  shield,  with  gold  scroll  border,  outlined  with 
flowers,  crest,  a lion  rampant,  holding  a cross,  a diaper 
border  round  the  neck,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung, 
b%in.  high  (259). 

See  illustration. 

Chase.  A pair  of  soup  tureens  and  covers  of'  the  same, 
12m.  wide  (25,  26). 

Chase.  A set  of  six  salt  cellars  and  a plate  of  the  same 
(121-126,  578). 

Chichester,  Eare  of  Donegal.  A leaf  shaped  dish, 
enamelled  with  palms,  supported  by  two  wolves 
ducally  gorged,  crest,  a stork  holding  an  eel,  motto, 
Invitum  sequitur  honos,  and  with  sprays  of  flowers, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  13§m.  wide  (500). 

Chipchase.  A caddy  and  cover,  a milk  jug  and  cover, 
and  a spoon  tray,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  surrounded 
by  scrolls  in  pink,  green  and  gold,  crest  a leopard  cou- 
chant,  famille  rose , Ch’ien-lung  (960-962).  Cross. 
A milk  jug  and  cover,  a caddy  and  cover  and  a tea  cup, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  shields  and  palm  leaves, 
crest  a stork  (205,  917,  918). 

The  latter  from  the  J . J . Howard  collection . 

Christie.  A sauce  tureen  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  flower  sprays  and  festoons,  crest  a cross 
Calvary,  motto,  Fit  vita  nomine  congrua  (510),  a 
Nankin  sauce  tureen  cover  and  stand,  painted  with 
armorials,  crests  and  flowers,  motto,  Otium  in  negotio 
(393,  394))  another,  oval,  enamelled  with  armorials, 
crests  and  parrots  (298,  299).  Crofton.  A fruit 
dish,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  seven  ears  of 
wheat,  motto,  Dat  Deius  incrementum . 

Chute.  A tea  caddy  and  cover,  and  a cup  and  saucer, 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a dexter  cubit  arm, 
the  ground  with  Chinese  birds  and  flowers,  famille 
rose,  Tung-cheng  (547,  548). 


: , . 

7 7 - «? 

Clarke.  A pair  of  cylindrical  mugs,  enamelled  with,  the 
arms  in  cartouches,  the  crest  above,  motto,  Ose  et 
espere,  and  with  festoons  of  flowers,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung,  4f in.  high  (894,  895). 

From  the  J . J . Howard  collection. 

f.  /f.6>  70 

Clarke.  A pair  of  octagonal  soup  tureens  and  covers  of 
the  same,  9f/n.  wide  (670,  671). 

7 7-  ~n 

Clarke.  A pair  of  sauce  boats  of  the  same  and  a plate 
(968,  969,  569). 

//.  //.  ~ 72 

Clarke.  A set  of  four  salt  cellars  of  the  same  (162-165). 

Af.  U.  -T3 

Clifford.  A cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
a cartouche  bordered  with  flowers  and  gold  scrolls, 
crest,  a dexter  hand,  the  border  gold  and  rouge  de  fer, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  4f in.  high  (446). 

Af  . A(  . — 74 

Clifford.  A teapot  and  cover,  a caddy,  and  a tea  cup  and 
saucer,  with  the  same  arms  (56,  445,  446). 

2Af.  3.  — 75 

Clifford.  Another  family.  Two  circular  dishes, 

enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling  of  blue  and 
gilt,  supporters,  a wyvern  vert  and  a monkey  proper 
chained  or,  crest  a wyvern  vert,  the  borders  gilt  with 
flower  sprays  outlined  with  narrow  bands  of  blue  and 
gilt,  Ch’ien-lung,  13 \in.  and  13fm.  diam.  (375,  387). 

See  illustration. 

7-  '‘V  • ■"  76 

Tiie  Clotiiworkers’  Company.  A saucer  dish  enamelled 
with  the  arms,  supporters,  two  griffins,  crest,  a lamb, 
motto,  My  trust  is  in  God  alone,  and  with  fes- 
toons, famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  8 in.  diam.  Anony- 
mous. A saucer  dish,  enamelled  with  cross  anchors, 
motto,  In  magnus  non  sufficituna,  and  with  flowers 
and  fruit,  8 \in.  diam. 

(o  . /(o  . C?  77 

Cock.  A punch  howl  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a car- 
touche of'  gold  scrolls  and  flowers  in  colours,  suspended 
by  puce  ribbon  ties,  the  ground  with  detached  flowers, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  10^m.  diam.  (29). 

7.5  -78 

Coleman,  impaling  Manning.  A punch  bowl  enamelled 
with  the  arms,  crest,  a griffin’s  head  holding  a sinister 
hand,  and  surrounded  by  garlands  of  flowers,  ribbon 
border  in  colours  and  gold,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 
12 in.  diam.  (171). 

Colling  wood  . A shaped  mug1  enamelled  with  the  arms 
in  a cartouche  of  scroll  work  of  sepia  and  gold,  stag’s 
head,  crest,  motto,  Ferar  units  et  idem,  and  with  flower 
sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  b\in.  high  (909). 

From  the  J . 7.  Howard  Collection. 

Compton.  A circular  dish  enamelled  with  the  arms  sur- 
rounded by  hold  leafage,  crest,  on  a mount,  a beacon 
fired,  motto,  Nisi  Domini,  on  a riband  behind,  the 
border  with  dragons,  phoenix,  fish,  and  rocks,  and  a 
band  of  diaper  work  in  rich  colours  with  small  panels  of 
flowers,  famille  verte,  K’ang-hsi,  16 \in.  diam.  (880). 

Conran.  A small  teapot,  enamelled  with  the  arms  and 
g'ilt  with  flower  sprays,  motto,  Non  sibi  toti,  Ch’ien- 
lun  (347).  Carrfthers.  A bowl  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  crest,  a maiden’s  head,  motto,  Promptus  et  fidelis. 
Clavering,  impaling  Cole.  A milk  jug  with  the  arms, 
crest,  a demi-lion  out  of  a ducal  coronet  (31).  Croacii- 
rod.  A caddy,  enamelled  with  the  wolf  crest  holding 
a spear,  the  ground  with  buildings,  birds  and  flowers, 
famille  verte,  K’ang-hsi  (13).  Crowder,  impaling.  A 
saucer  with  the  arms  and  crest,  a heraldic  tiger  (410). 
Coffin.  A coffee  cup  with  the  arms  and  crest  (1020). 
Campbell,  Earl  of  Marchmont.  Two  tea  cups 
enamelled  with  the  arms  quarterly,  crest,  an  earl’s 
coronet,  supporters,  two  lions  reguardant,  the  motto, 
Fide  probat o coronat  (213). 

Cooke,  quartering  Warren,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence, 
Twysden.  A part  tea  service  enamelled  with  the  arms 
quarterly  in  shaped  shields  outlined  with  pink  and  gold 
scrolls,  festoons  of  flowers  and  foliage,  crest,  a 
demi-eagle,  gold  borders,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 
comprising  a teapot,  cover  and  stand,  a milk  jug,  a 
bowl,  a tea  cup  and  saucer,  and  a coffee  cup  (88-92, 

George  Cooke,  Prothonotary  of  the  Common  Pleas, 
married  Catherine,  daughter  and  co-heir  of  Sir  Thomas 
Twysden,  of  East  Peckham,  Kent,  \th  Baronet. 

Cooke.  A pair  of  sauce  boats  of  the  same  (283,  761). 

Cope,  impaling.  A teapot,  cover  and  stand,  a small  basin, 
a milk  jug,  a large  saucer  and  a tea  cup  and  saucer, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  surrounded  by  scroll  work  and 
flowers  in  colours  and  gilt,  crest  a fleur  de  Us  or,  and 
with  gold  link  borders,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung 

t-  *■  * 


//.  //.  — 85 

Cotton.  Two  cylindrical  mugs  enamelled  witli  the 
quarterly  of  nine,  in  a shield  surrounded  by  flowers  and 
scrolls  in  colours  and  gold,  crest,  a demi-eagle  stand- 
ing' upon  a ducal  coronet,  the  ground  with  parrots 
and  fruit,  the  border  of  sepia  diaper  outlined  with  gold 
scrolls,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 4 hn.  and  5 \in.  high 
(610,  882). 

/*.  - 86 

Cotton.  A pair  of  sauce  boats  and  a pair  of  salt  cellars 
of  the  same  (401,  402,  787,  788). 


Cotton.  An  octagonal  soup  tureen  and  cover  of  the  same 

S7.  S7.  - 88 

Cotton.  An  octagonal  dish,  16 \in.  wide. 

J7.  /3.  <*  89 

Couper,  impaling  Minshull.  A punch  bowl  enamelled 
with  the  arms,  crest,  a dexter  arm  proper  holding  a 
wreath  vert,  motto,  Virtute,  and  with  flower  sprays, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , ll^m.  diam.  (778). 

/3.  /3 . — 90 

Craggs.  An  Imari  tea  pot  and  cover,  and  a caddy  and 
cover,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest, 
a dexter  and  a sinister  arm  g'rasping  a sword,  and  with 
flower  sprays,  famille  verte,  K’ang-hsi  (914-916). 

From  the  J . J . Howard  Collection. 

//  //-  “ 91 

Crichton,  of  Ruthven.  A part  tea  service  painted  with 
the  arms  in  gold  and  sepia,  surrounded  by  scrolls  and 
festoons,  crest,  a pillar,  motto  above,  Stand  sure,  and 
with  sprays  and  ornamental  borders,  comprising  a tea- 
pot, cover  and  stand,  a milk  jug  and  cover,  a caddy, 
a bowl,  a saucer  dish,  a spoon  tray,  three  tea  cups,  five 
coffee  cups,  and  two  Nankin  caddies  and  covers,  with 
the  same  arms  (469,  470).  Crichton,  impaling.  A 
tea  cup  (190). 

£ . C, . - 92 

Crisp,  impaling  Partridge.  Two  shaped  mugs  enamelled 
with  the  arms  sided  by  palm  leaves,  crest,  a goat,  and 
with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 6 \in.  high 
and  bin.  high. 

. p.  — 93 

Cruikshank.  A teapot,  cover  and  stand,  and  a tea  cup 
and  saucer,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  scroll  mantling 
and  palm  leaves,  crest,  a thistle  erect,  motto,  Per  ardua 
honuin,  flower  sprays  and  borders  of  pink  and  gold 
diaper,  famille  rose,  Yung-cheng  (71-73). 


. / • «C 
IS.  - 94 

1/3 .695 
V.  -96 


4./, -loo 

Cullen,  of  Laughs,  Co.  Lanark.  A pair  of  sauce  boats, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  panels  and  bamboo, 
crest,  out  of  a boat  a pelican,  motto,  .Von  s/bi  (857,  858). 

Cullum.  A soup  plate  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  out 
of  a ducal  coronet  an  eagle,  the  border  with  flower 
sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (790).  Cholmondeley 
Viscount  Ciiolmondeley.  A soup  plate,  the  centre  with 
an  English  pastoral  scene,  the  arms  in  the  border  sup- 
ported by  a griffin  and  a wolf,  motto,  Cassis  tutissima 
virtus,  a viscount’s  coronet  above  (574). 

Dehany,  of  London.  A teapot,  cover  and  stand  enamelled 
with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a bear  sable, 
motto,  In  ccclo  quies,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung. 

Denison,  impaling.  A set  of  three  punch  bowls, 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  surrounded  by  scrolls  in  pink, 
green  and  gold,  crest,  a dexter  arm,  pointing  to  a star, 
and  with  flower  spravs,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (269- 

Douglas,  Earl  of  Moreton.  A plate,  enamelled  with 
the  arms  quarterly,  supporters,  two  savages,  crest  a 
boar  proper  in  the  cleft  of  an  oak  tree,  motto,  Lock 
sicker,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung. 

Dover.  A tea  pot  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
surrounded  by  plumes  and  flowers,  crest  a castle 
towered,  motto,  Do  ever  good,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung 
(291).  Decker,  impaling  Watkins.  An  octagonal 
caddy  and  a coffee  cup,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
medallions,  and  with  flower  sprays,  famille  verte, 
K’ang-hsi.  These  arms  were  granted,  to  Sir  Matthew 
Decker  in  1716,  who  married  Henrietta  Watkins. 
Dore.  A water  bottle  and  a cup,  enamelled  with  the 
arms  in  a scroll  cartouche,  and  with  flowers  and  foliage 
97,  560). 

Dow.  Two  tea  cups,  a coffee  cup  and  a saucer,  enamelled 
with  the  arms  in  a plain  shield  bordered  with  flowers, 
crest  a dove,  motto,  Patience  (552,  523,  1125).  Anony- 
mous. A bowl,  and  two  coffee  cups  and  saucers, 
enamelled  with  armorials  in  medallions,  surrounded  by 
pink  scrolls  and  flowers  (452-454). 


i 1 J. 

7-  "7 

3.  /3. 
/3.  /3. 

(p  - / 6> 

4-  4. 

(x?  . / C 

0V  . 

6?  101  Drake.  A small  tea  pot  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the 
arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  on  a castle  a wvvern, 
and  with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’  ien-lung  (T39). 
Anonymous.  A tea  pot  and  cover,  with  arms  and  crest 
in  scroll  mantling  (958),  a tea  pot  and  cover  and  a 
sugar  basin,  with  armorials  and  crest,  motto,  Have  a 
worthy  end,  then  pursue  it. 

C,  102  Duberley,  impaling.  A soup  tureen  and  cover, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest  an 
arm  holding  three  ears  of  wheat,  and  with  pheasants 
and  flowers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ ien-lung  (168).  Durham, 
quarterly.  A milk  jug  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  crest  a dolphin,  motto  Victoria  non  praeda  (959). 
Dalling,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence,  a coffee  cup  and 
saucer,  with  tbe  arms,  crest,  a cannon  arched  over  with 
a chain,  a lion’s  head  within  (796).  Dalton  and  Gage, 
quartering  Rookwood.  A two-handled  cup  and  saucer, 
with  the  arms,  crest,  an  eagle's  head  between  two 
wings,  motto.  Sera  com  me  Dieu  plaira  (713). 

— 103  Dubois.  A pair  of  circular  dishes,  enamelled  with  the 
arms  in  red  and  black  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a 
Catherine  wheel,  the  border  with  flowers  and  emblems 
in  colours  and  gold  scroll  work,  famille  verte,  K’ang- 
hsi,  15 \in.  diam.  (487,  488). 

4 104  Dutry,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence,  Renen.  A 
bowl,  a tea  pot  and  cover  and  a saucer,  enamelled  with 
the  arms,  and  with  flower  sprays,  famille  verte,  K’ang- 
hsi.  Anonymous.  Two  tea  caddies  and  covers,  with 
arms  and  crest,  and  a candlestick,  with  baluster  stem 
on  octagonal  foot,  famille  rose,  Ch' ien-lung,  8f  in.  high. 

105  Ekins.  A punch  bowl,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  flower 
festoons  and  sprays,  crest  a jamb  argent,  holding  a 
cross-crossly,  gold  diaper  border,  famille  rose,  C Id  ien- 
lung,  ll|m.  diam.  (508). 

4 106  Edgar.  A helmet  cream  jug  and  a tea  cup  and  saucer, 
enamelled  with  the  crest,  an  ostrich  head  holding  a 
horse  shoe  between  two  wings,  and  with  scroll  borders 
in  colours,  famille  rose,  Cldien-lung  (169,  373). 

Evans,  impaling.  A barrel  shape  jug,  painted  with 
the  arms,  crest  a lamb  bearing  a flag  charged  with  the 
cross  of  St.  Georg-e,  8 \in.  high  (456).  Edwards.  A 
sugar  basin  and  cover,  two  tea  cups  and  a saucer, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  and  flower  festoons,  crest  a 
lion’s  head,  famille  rose,  Ch’ ien-lung  (274,  602,  603). 

Edwards.  A pair  of  oval  pierced  baskets  and  stands, 
painted  quarterly,  with  the  arms  sided  by  palm 
branches,  crest  a lion’s  head  erased,  transfixed  with  an 
arrow,  in  Indian  ink  and  gold,  Cldien-lung,  7 \in.  wide 
(198,  660-663).  Edwards,  with  escutcheon  of  pre- 
tence, Southern*:.  A soup  plate,  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  crest  a demi-wolf,  the  centre  also  enamelled  with 
pheasants  and  peonies,  the  border  with  trophies  (589). 

Eliston.  A large  tea  pot,  enamelled  with  the  crest,  an 
eagle’s  head  with  a mural  crown,  underneath  the  letter 
E (321).  Evershead.  A milk  jug  and  cover, 
enamelled  with  the  crest,  two  wings  argent,  and  with 
flower  sprays  (912).  Eraser,  of  Lovat.  A cup  and 
saucer,  with  the  arms  quarterly,  in  black  and  gold, 
supporters  two  bucks,  crest  a buck’s  head,  motto,  Je 
suis  prest,  inscribed  Mrs.  Fraser  (923).  Fraser, 
quarterly . A saucer,  with  the  arms,  with  the  same 
supporters  and  crest,  differently  depicted  (194).  Flud, 
impaling.  A coffee  cup  and  saucer,  with  the  arms, 
crest,  a lion  rampant,  motto,  Dum  spero  spiro  (381). 
Fox.  A howl  and  a coffee  cup,  with  the  arms,  crest, 
a fox  sajent,  motto,  Faire  sans  dire  (418,  1024). 

Ellick.  A circular  dish  and  a pair  of  soup  plates, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  the  centres,  the  ground 
pencilled  with  landscapes  and  buildings,  the  borders 
enamelled  with  the  crest,  a dexter  arm  in  armour,  hold- 
ing a branch  bound  round  the  arm  by  a ribbon,  and  gilt 
with  river  scenes,  in  panels  on  diaper  ground,  Cli'ien- 
lung,  the  dish  17 in.  diam  (881,  755,  756). 

Elphinstone.  A Nankin  plate,  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  supporters  two  savage  men,  crest  a demi-maiden, 
motto,  Cause  causit,  the  border  blue  and  gold  (222). 
Fly,  impaling  Moderby.  A plate  with  the  arms,  the 
borders  with  flower  sprays  in  gold  leaf  pattern  (570). 
Fitch.  A Nankin  oval  dish,  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
the  border  with  crest,  a leopard’s  head  holding  a sword, 
and  with  flowers  and  diaper  pattern,  Ch’ien-lung, 
14m.  wide  (492).  Gresham,  Surrey.  A large  cup, 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  and  grasshopper  crest  (963). 

From  the  7.  7.  Howard  collection. 

Erringtox,  impaling.  A tea  pot  and  cover,  enamelled 
with  the  arms,  and  with  borders  of  scroll  work  and 
flowers,  famille  rose,  Cli'ien-lung  (262).  Anonymous. 
A Nankin  large  jug  and  cover,  enamelled  with  arms, 
crest,  and  blue  and  gold  borders.  C.  S.  Two  bowls 
and  a tea  cup  and  saucer,  enamelled  with  armorials, 
crests  and  initials  C’.  S.  (284-286). 


i - -f 

Cp  112  Everton.  A Nankin  large  tea  pot  and  cover,  a bowl,  a 
large  cup  and  saucer,  and  a tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and 
saucer,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  in  a drapery  car- 
touche, lined  with  ermine,  crest,  a dove  proper,  blue 
and  gilt  borders,  Ch’ien-lung  (42G-430). 

S-  /A".  & J 13  F vuntleroy.  A shaped  mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms, 

in  rich  scroll  mantling,  surmounted  by  a flevr  de  Us 
crest  between  two  wings  azure,  the  ground  with 
branches  of  flowers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  6 \in. 
high  (155),  a caddy  and  cover,  and  a milk  jug  of  the 
same  (173,  197). 

f7 . / 1/7  £ 1 14 

Fellowes,  quartering  Coulson.  An  Imari  circular 
dish,  a tea  pot  and  cover,  a sweetmeat  dish,  painted 
with  the  arms  in  shields,  with  scroll  borders  of  rouge 
de  fer  and  gilt,  over  all,  the  arms  of  Ulster  (484,  490, 
931).  Freeman.  A coffee  cup  and  saucer,  with  the 
arms,  crest,  a lion  rampant  (226).  Farrington.  A 
coffee  cup  and  saucer,  with  the  arms,  crest,  a dogargent, 
motto,  Domat  omnia  xirtus  (673),  the  last  from  the 
7.  7.  Howard  collection. 

. — 115  Field.  A plate,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 
dexter  arm  issuing  from  clouds  and  holding  a sphere 
(751).  Field,  impaling  Dyer.  A punch  bowl,  with 
the  arms,  crest  a garb  argent,  motto,  Labor  ipse 
xoluptas,  initials  T E F at  the  base,  9 in.  diam.  (669). 

2 . /?  . C 116  Fisher,  impaling  Pigot.  A soup  plate,  enamelled  with 
the  arms,  crest,  a demi-lion  holding  a laurel,  the  border 
with  bamboo,  Ch’ien-lung  (785).  Thomas  Fisher,  of 
Acton,  married  at  St.  Anne’s,  Soho,  1755,  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Richard.  Pigot,  of  Westminster.  Fother- 
ingham.  A spoon  tray,  with  the  arms  and  crest. 
Anonymous.  Two  plates,  with  arms  and  crests  (598, 

/V . /.? . — 116a  The  Fishmongers  Company,  a plate  and  a soup  plate 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  supporters  a merman  and  a 
mermaid,  crest  a crown  upheld,  motto,  All  worship  be 
to  God  only,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung. 

f?  /C>  £117  Fitton.  A pair  of  circular  dishes,  enamelled  with  land- 

scapes, pastoral  trophies  and  dogs  in  the  European 
taste,  the  borders  with  the  arms,  crest,  a wheat  sheaf, 
and  flower  branches,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  12 \in. 
diam.  (786,  794),  and  an  octagonal  soap  tureen  and 
cover  of  the  same,  also  enamelled  with  pheasants  and 
flowers,  12m.  wide  (879). 

119  159 



7 ■ '/  6 

Fletcher,  impaling  Harman.  An  octagonal  dish  and 
a cup,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  surrounded  by  scrolls 
and  flowers,  crest,  a horse’s  head,  and  with  parrots  and 
flowers,  the  diaper  border  outlined  with  gold  scroll 
work,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  l%\in.  wide  (772, 


Fly.  A pair  of  vases  and  covers  enamelled  with  the 
arms  in  cartouches  with  pink  diaper  and  gold  scroll 
mantling,  crest,  a cubit  arm  holding  a hawk’s  lure, 
motto,  Dei.  tutamen  tutus,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung, 
/(^ . /O'  - 11  \in.  high  (113,  114). 

From  the  Collection  of  the  Rev.  Charles  Walker,  of 

See  illustration. 

120  Fly.  A pair  of  octagonal  soup  tureens  and  covers,  and  a 
/<£  . /<£ . ~ pair  of  salt  cellars  of  the  same  (355,  356,  404,  405). 



Forbes.  A pair  of  salt  cellars  and  a cup,  enamelled  with 
the  arms  surrounded  by  flower  festoons  and  gold  scrolls, 
crest,  a stag’s  head,  motto,  Grace  me  guide,  and  with 
blue  and  gold  borders,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (518, 
519,  411). 

^ /A 

122  Foster.  A tea  caddy  and  cover,  two  tea  cups  and 
saucers,  a coffee  cup,  a bowl  and  a spoon  tray, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  shields,  crest,  a stag  trip- 
pant,  and  with  blue  and  gold  borders,  Ch’ien-lung 
(406-408,  727,  798,  799). 

123  Fortescue.  A tea  pot  and  cover  and  a milk  jug  and 
cover,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a tiger  passant, 
motto,  Forte  scutum  salus  ducum,  and  with  groups  of 
flowers  in  pink,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (17,  18). 
Fortescue,  impaling  Dormer.  A Nankin  large  coffee 
??■-  pot  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the  impaling  arms  and 
crests,  and  with  groups  of  flowers  in  blue  (797). 

The  first  Baron  Fortescue,  of  C redan,  married 
secondly  in  1721  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Sir  Robert 

124  Fountaine,  impaling  Hogge.  A teapot  and  cover,  a tea 
cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
crest,  an  elephant,  motto,  Mix  ea  nostra  voco,  and  with 
^ / borders  of  flowers  and  scrolls,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung 

r /0  u (357-359,  377). 

Brigg  Price,  of  Narford,  Norfolk,  assumed  the  sur- 
name and  arms  of  Fountaine  in  1769,  married  Mary 
Hogge,  of  Lynn. 


7-  //■  C 125  French,  impaling  Scotton.  A pair  of  large  jugs 
enamelled  with  the  arms  surrounded  by  festoons  of 
flowers  depending  from  puce  ribbon  ties,  crest,  a crescent 
surmounted  by  fleur  de  lis,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 
14£zn.  high  (144,  145). 

/ ~7  . /~p . ~ 126  Fryer,  impaling  Parker.  A part  tea  and  coffee  service, 
7 7 enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a shield  with  pink  and  gold 

borders,  the  crest,  an  antelope’s  head  out  of  a ducal 
coronet,  and  with  flower  sprays  and  gold  link  pattern 
borders,  comprising  two  teapots  and  covers,  a tea  pot 
stand,  a coffee  pot  and  cover,  a tea  caddy  and  cover,  a 
milk  jug  and  cover,  a spoon  tray,  two  tea  cups,  two 
coffee  cups  and  four  saucers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 
19  -pieces  (530-540). 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Francis  Parker,  of  Blagdon, 
Devon,  married,  as  her  third  husband,  John  Fryer,  of 

£ 127  Gambier.  An  oval  soup  tureen  and  cover,  a sauce  boat, 

and  a soup  plate,  enamelled  with  the  arms  surrounded 
by  gold  scrolls  and  flowers,  crest,  an  eagle  out  of  a ducal 
coronet,  and  with  initials,  R.  G.,  flowers  and  green 
and  gold  borders  (167,  301.  559). 

From  the  Franks  C ollection. 

& — 128 

Garden.  A Nankin  part  tea  service,  enamelled  with 
initials,  J.  A.  G.,  in  shields,  and  with  flower  festoons, 
crest,  a boar  passant,  and  with  blue  and  gilt  diaper 
borders,  Ch’ien-lung,  comprising  a teapot,  cover  and 
stand,  a milk  jug  and  cover,  a caddy  and  cover,  a bowl 
a spoon  tray,  a tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer  (360-367). 

This  set  was  bought  at  the  sale  of  china  of  J.  L. 
Garden,  of  Redisliam  Hall,  Suffolk. 

2 /o  C,  129  Gardner,  impaling  Litlle.  A punch  bowl  enamelled 
with  the  arms  and  with  Chinese  ladies  and  flowers, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 9 \in.  diam. 

J / 3 . C>  130  Garstin.  A cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
scroll  mantling  surmounted  by  the  crest  and  with 
motto,  Gladio  et  Virtute,  the  ground  with  sprays  of 
flowers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 6 in.  high  (129). 

/,  . — 131  Garstin.  Three  tea  cups  and  saucers  of  the  same  (60, 

61,  564). 

Garstin.  Two  punch  bowls  of  the  same,  9 \in.  and  10m. 
diam.  (37,  38). 


: //.  G 133 

Gloucester,  H.R.H.  Duke  of.  A large  soup  tureen 
and  cover  enamelled  with  the  arms,  supporters,  The 
Lion  and  Unicorn  of  England  under  a ducal  coronet, 
and  with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ ien-lung , 16m. 

\./2.  Usi 

Godfrey.  A circular  dish,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
scroll  mantling  in  the  border,  crest,  a demi-negro, 
and  with  flowers,  famille  verte,  K’ang-hsi,  14m.  diarn. 

Gordon.  A milk  jug  and  a saucer  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  the  borders  with  pink  and  gold  scrolls  and  flowers, 
and  a small  bottle  with  the  arms,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ ien-lung  (98,  913).  Gastwick,  of  Bedford. 

A tea  pot  and  cover  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
scroll  mantling,  crest,  a griffin’s  head  (997).  Gregorie. 
A salad  howl,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  ermine  mant- 
ling, crest,  the  trunk  of  a fir  tree,  motto,  Non  deficit 
alter  (459).  Gascoigne.  A salt  cellar  with  the  arms, 
crest,  out  of  a ducal  coronet  a demi-lucy  (36).  Gooding. 
An  eggshell  saucer  with  the  arms  and  griffin  crest,  cocks 
and  flowers,  Y ung-cheng  (308).  Gurney,  impaling 
Watson.  A coffee  cup  with  the  arms  (96).  Guy,  impal- 
ing Bell.  A tea  cup  with  the  arms  and  crest  (239). 

2.t2.C  136 

Gordon  or  Lessmoir.  An  oval  soup  tureen  and  cover 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  supporters,  a wild  man  and 
a griffin,  crest,  a stag’s  head,  motto,  Bydand,  also 
with  the  Royal  Arms  of  Scotland,  Ch’ ien-lung , 14 \in. 



Gough,  impaling  Hynde.  An  Imari  cylindrical  mug, 
painted  with  the  arms  in  rouge  de  fer,  sepia  and  gilt, 
crest,  a boar’s  head  pierced  by  an  arrow,  and  with  blue 
diaper  borders,  4f in.  high  (77).  Clifton,  impaling. 
A cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll 
mantling,  and  with  flower  sprays  in  panels  on  modelled 
ground,  crest,  a griffin’s  head  erased,  4f in.  high. 

Graham,  of  Callender,  impaling  Strickland.  An 

octagonal  soup  tureen  and  cover  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  crest,  a shell,  motto,  Spero  meliora,  and  with 
flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ ien-lung , 12| in.  wide. 

<j.  / <il39 

Grant.  A pair  of  octagonal  soup  tureens  and  covers 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  shields  with  gold  borders 
surrounded  by  flowers,  crest,  a dexter  hand,  motto, 
Radicem  firmant  frondes,  and  with  groups  of  flowers 
and  gold  borders,  famille  rose,  Ch’ ien-lung , 12 in.  wide 
(614,  615). 


7 7 - 140 

Grant.  A pair  of  octagonal  sauce  tureens,  covers  and 
stands  of  the  same  service  (264,  265). 

(p.  - 

141  Grant.  A large  punch  bowl  of  the  same  service,  13m. 
diam.  (278). 

/ O /O  142  Grant.  Another,  9 in.  diarn.  (51),  and  a pair  of  salt 
cellars  of  the  same  (599,  600). 

3 . 3 — 143  Grant.  A part  tea  service  of  the  same,  comprising 
two  teapots  and  covers,  one  stand,  a milk  jug,  two 
plates,  a tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer  (78,  316,  130, 
131,  231,  747,  748). 

■57  J • 144  Grant.  A set  of  three  cylindrical  mugs  similarly 

enamelled  with  the  same  arms,  crest  and  motto,  and 
with  groups  of  flowers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  4 \in. 
to  5 bin.  high  (81-83). 

2 . ' - C>  146  Grisly,  impaling  Coventry.  A pair  of  Bloor  Derby 

plates  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a lion  passant, 
motto,  Meliore  fide  quam  fortune  (Sir  Roger  Grisly, 
eighth  baronet).  Honywood,  impaling  Courtnay.  A 
pair  of  Wedgwood  soup  plates  painted  with  the  arms, 
crest,  a griffin’s  head  (Sir  John  Honywood,  of  Evington, 
the  fourth  baronet).  Warburton,  impaling  Stanley. 
Another,  printed  with  the  arms  in  a cartouche,  crest,  a 
savage  head,  motto,  Le  voil  droit  avoir. 

//.  //.  - 147  Gunn.  A punch  bowl  enamelled  with  the  arms  suspended 
by  ribbon  ties,  flower  sprays,  and  with  blue  diaper 
border,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  9 in.  diam.  (272). 

22/.  — • - — 148  Hackluyt,  Co.  Hereford.  A circular  dish  enamelled 

with  the  arms  surrounded  by  bold  leafage  in  red,  blue 
and  gold,  the  border  with  the  crest,  a man  in  armour 
with  battleaxe,  also  with  phoenix,  flowers  and  diaper 
pattern  in  rich  colours  and  gold,  famille  verte,  K’ang- 
hsi,  lb\in.  diam.  (399). 

7 7 

149  Hall.  An  oval  soup  tureen  and  cover  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a talbot’s  head, 
the  borders  with  flowers  and  bamboo,  two  plates,  two 
coffee  cups  and  a punch  bowl  of  the  same,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung  (471,  472,  555,  565,  741,  807). 


9 • / '?  ^150  Hamilton,  quartering  Earl  of  Arran.  A part  tea  service 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling  of  rouge  de 
fer,  black  and  white,  and  with  sprays  of  flowers,  the 
crest,  out  of  a ducal  coronet  a tree  transfixed  with  a 
saw,  and  with  motto,  Success  in  Trade,  above  and  below 
the  arms  the  motto,  Through,  comprising  a teapot, 
cover  and  stand,  a tea  caddy  and  cover,  a milk  jug,  a 
spoon  tray,  six  tea  cups,  six  coffee  cups  and  six  saucers, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  25  pieces  (1044-1060). 

^.//.-151  Hamilton,  quartering  Earl  of  Arran.  Two  punch 
bowls  enamelled  with  the  same,  also  with  a view  of 
the  Fortress  of  Portobello  and  six  ships  sailing  towards 
it,  9m.  and  114m.  diam.  (186,  791). 

Admiral  Vernon  took  Portobello  with  six  ships,  in 

.'*152  Hanmer,  impaling  Jennens.  A caddy  and  cover,  a tea 
cup  and  a coffee  cup  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest, 
a lion  sejant  (395,  611).  Thomas  Hanmer,  of  Fen's 
Flint,  married  Esther  Jennens,  of  Gopsall,  Leicester. 
Hall.  A caddy  and  a coffee  cup  and  saucer  with  the 
arms,  crest,  an  unicorn’s  head  (956,  957).  Hunter  (?). 
a caddy,  crest,  two  beast’s  heads  banded  together, 
initials  J.  M.  H.  (14).  Hay.  A tea  caddy  and  cover, 
with  the  crest,  on  a wreath  or  and  sable,  a demi-arm 
holding  an  ox-yoke,  the  initials  J.  H.  below,  motto, 
Primus  e stirpe  (310).  Hinde.  A teapot  stand  and  a 
spoon  tray,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  and  with  peony 
branches  on  gold  diaper  ground,  crest,  a cockatrice, 
the  wings  expanded  (655,  656).  Harington.  A 

tankard  with  the  arms  and  motto,  Nodo  firmo. 

/,5 .76 7-153  Harley,  Earl  of  Oxford,  impaling  Archer.  A part 
service  enamelled  with  the  arms  supported  by  two 
ang'els,  surmounted  by  an  earl’s  coronet,  motto, 
Virtute  et  fide,  and  with,  flower  sprays,  the  pink  diaper 
borders  outlined  with  gold,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung 

Edward  Harley,  Ath  Earl  of  Oxford,  married  in  1751 
Susanna  Archer,  of  Welford,  Berks. 

AVvT.^154  Harris.  A circular  dish  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
scroll  mantling,  crest,  an  eagle  upon  a cock  proper, 
the  border  with  vines  and  flowers  in  gold,  Ch’ien-lung, 
11m.  diam.  (346).  Anonymous.  Another,  enamelled 
with  armorials  in  scroll  mantling,  crests,  the  head  of  a 
man  and  a sword,  motto,  Ve  dal  am  daro,  11  \in.  diam. 


7 ' 7 155  Harrison,  impaling  Bray.  A spoon  tray  enamelled  witli 

the  arms,  phoenix  and  flowers,  famille  verte,  K’ang-hsi 
(95).  Hulls.  A salt  cellar  with  the  arms,  crest,  a fleur 
de  lis  (925).  Hudson.  A cup  and  saucer  with  the  arms, 
crest,  on  a rock  a martlet  (99).  Hardwick.  A coffee  cup 
and  saucer  with  the  arms  and  crest,  a hart  passant. 
Hodgson.  A small  plate  with  the  arms,  crest,  a martlet, 
motto,  Be  ever  watchful  (734).  Hibbs.  A coffee  cup 
with  the  arms  and  crest  (1072).  Innes.  A milk  jug  and 
cover,  crest,  an  increscent,  initials  I.  I.,  motto,  Je 
recevoir  donne  (684).  Inglis.  A coffee  cup  and 
saucer,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a demi-lion 
rampant  holding  in  the  dexter  paw  a star,  motto,  Recte 
faciendo  securus  (1000).  Inglis,  with  escutcheon  of 
pretence,  Johnson.  A coffee  cup  with  the  arms  and 
crest  (389). 

(q  . / (o  . (?  156  Harrison  Atcliffe  and  Elkington,  impaling  Elliot. 

A Delft  mug  painted  with  the  arms  and  flower  sprays 
6f in.  high,  a Staffordshire  tea  caddy  painted  with 
armorials  and  flowers  in  blue,  4 \in.  high,  a sauce  boat 
with  the  arms  of  Trinity  College,  and  a Minton’s  oval 
dish,  painted  with  arms  in  blue  and  with  medallion 
heads,  17f in.  wide. 

/ t>  . /b  . — 157  Hart,  impaling  Franklin.  A part  tea  service  enamelled 
with  the  arms  in  flower  and  foliage  cartouches  of  pink, 
green  and  gilt,  and  with  flower  sprays,  crest,  a stag’s 
head,  gilt  borders,  comprising  a tea  pot,  cover  and 
stand,  a tea  caddy  and  cover,  a milk  jug  and  cover,  a 
spoon  tray,  a bowl  and  stand,  two  tea  cups,  two  coffee 
cups  and  a saucer,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 15  pieces 

Part  of  a service  made  for  Willis  Hart,  who  married 
Betty  Franklin;  it  was  subsequently  in  the  possession  of 
the  Rev.  G.  A.  F.  Hart,  of  Arundel,  Sussex,  his  grand- 

'?■  '? 

/ 9.  —158 

Harvey  (?),  impaling.  A sauce  boat  with  two  lips,  a 
small  dessert  dish  and  a coffee  cup  enamelled  with  the 
arms  quarterly,  crest,  a cock  standing  on  a fish,  and 
with  groups  of'  flowers,  the  bordei’s  of  rouge  de  fer  and 
gilt,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (202,  303,  780). 

//  ■ //.  — 159 

Harvey.  A cylindrical  mug  of  the  same,  7 in.  high. 
See  illustration. 


2./S.  <* 


//-  //.  - 

7 7 ~ 



tr.  r.  - 

Hawkins.  A Nankin  cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  a shield  surmounted  by  the  crest,  a hind’s 
head,  and  with  flowers  and  blue  scrollwork,  motto,  Per 
industria  periculo,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , bin.  high 

Hawkins.  A pair  of  punch  bowls  of  the  same,  enamelled 
with  the  arms,  etc.,  and  with  groups  of  flowers,  within 
the  howl  is  inscribed  Edward  Dear,  Canton,  November, 
Anno  Domine  1770,  the  other  with  Thomas  Dear,  etc., 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  13 in.  diam.  (200,  201). 

Hay.  A teapot  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mant- 
ling, crest,  a falcon,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  a tea 
caddy  and  cover  of  the  same  (584,  654).  Anonymous. 
Three  Nankin  coffee  cups  and  saucers,  painted  with 
heraldic  shields,  female  figures  and  griffin  crests  (185, 
939,  1124).  Heath.  A pair  of  water  bottles,  enamelled 
with  the  arms  in  colours  and  gold,  crest,  a tower  argent 
and  wTith  flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 8f in. 
high  (22).  Anonymous,  a chocolate  pot  and  cover 
enamelled  with  armorials,  crest  and  flowers.  Hailes. 
A small  teapot  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
crest,  a stag’s  head  couped  proper,  motto,  Follow  the 
Chase,  Ch’ien-lung  (906).  Hales,  impaling.  A milk 
jug  enamelled  with  the  arms  (117). 

Hayes.  A milk  jug  and  cover,  a bowl,  two  tea  cups,  a 
coffee  cup  and  two  saucers,  enamelled  and  gilt  with  the 
arms  in  scroll  cartouches  surrounded  by  flowers  and  palm 
branches,  crest,  a fox  passant,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung 
. (19-21,  607,  609),  and  a saucer  with  initials  S.  D.  K. 

These  arms  were  confirmed  in  1613  by  William  Cam- 
den, Clarenceux,  to  Sir  Thomas  Hayes,  of  London. 

From  the  Collection  of  Hugh  Welch  Diamond,  Esq., 
M.D.,  F.S.A. 

Heard.  A tea  pot  and  cover  enamelled  with  the  arms 
in  pink  and  gold  scroll  mantling  and  with  flowers,  the 
crest,  a swan  ducally  crowned,  motto,  Nanfragus  in 
portum,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (2). 

These  arms  were  granted  to  Sir  Isaac  Heard  in  1762. 
The  tea  pot  was  exhibited  at  the  Heraldic  Exhibition, 
Burlington  House,  1894. 


7 7* 

— 165  Henchman.  A tea  caddy  and  cover,  a tea  pot  stand,  two 

tea  cups,  a coffee  cup  and  a saucer  enamelled  with,  the 
arms  in  scroll  mantling,  ornamented  with  flowers  and 
foliage,  crest,  a talbot’s  head,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung 
(170,  972,  973,  1098).  From  the  J . J . Howard  Collec- 
tion. A Nankin  saucer  of  the  same  (238).  Anonymous. 
a tea  pot,  cover  and  stand,  two  bowls,  a cup,  saucer, 
and  a spoon  tray,  painted  with  armorials  and  flower 
sprays  in  Indian  ink  and  gold  (950-955). 

s'.  /S. 

166  Hickes.  A part  tea  service,  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
surrounded  by  pink  and  gold  scrolls  and  flower  fes- 
toons, crest,  a stag’s  head,  gold  link  pattern  borders, 
comprising  a tea  pot  and  cover,  a milk  jug,  two  bowls, 
a tea  cup,  a coffee  cup  and  two  saucers,  famille  rose , 
Ch’ien-lung  (846,  847,  848,  851,  371,  531,  228). 

3.  /?  ■ 

1 167  Hickes.  Another  part  tea  service  of  the  same,  compris- 

ing a tea  pot  and  cover,  a milk  jug,  a bowl  and  two 
large  cups  (369,  370,  849,  850,  368). 

2 . /2. 

/ 168  Hodgson,  impaling  Warde.  A deep  circular  dish, 

enamelled  with  the  arms  and  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a 
bird  standing’  on  a castle,  the  border  with  flowers, 
hianca  sopra  bianca,  and  vines,  etc.,  in  gold,  famille 
rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  15 in.  diam. 

i.  2. 

— - 169  Hoffmann.  A cylindrical  mug,  4f in.  high,  and  a coffee 
cup,  enamelled  with  the  crest  and  monogram  J.M.H., 
and  gilt  with  sprays  of  flowers,  Ch’ien-lung  (130,  582). 

J /3  . 

170  Holman.  A circular  dish,  enamelled  with  armorials, 
crest  a pelican  speared,  and  with  flowers  and  scrolls  in 
Indian  ink  and  gold,  Ch’ien-lung,  lljz’n.  diam. 
Hornyold.  A Nankin  plate  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 
demi-unicorn,  motto,  F idem  tene  (528). 

4-  ^ 

— 171  Holt.  A mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms  quarterly  in  a 
shaped  shield,  bordered  with  scrolls  in  colours  and  gold, 
surmounted  by  a squirrel  crest,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung,  5§in.  high  (601). 

J"  /,< 

C 172  Holt.  A circular  dish,  enamelled  with  a river  scene 
and  figures  crossing  a bridge,  the  border  with  the  arms, 
crest  and  flower  sprays,  14 in.  diam.  (495). 



s./y.  (o 

Horsemonden.  A pair  of  Imari  bowls,  painted  with  the 
arms,  crest,  a leopard’s  face,  and  with  flowers  and 
emblems,  7f in.  diatn.,  and  a tea  pot  stand  of  the  same 
(817,  818,  319). 


2.  7.  — 

Horsman.  A caddy,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  an 
arm  grasping  a tilting  spear  (464). 

From  the  J . •/.  Howard  collection . 




/ //.  £> 


t.  £.  - 


S.  i>\- 

Hotham,  impaling  Morley.  A pair  of  large  jugs  and 
covers,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  and 
with  palm  branches,  crest,  a naked  man  rising  from  the 
waves,  holding  a sword  and  shield,  motto,  Have  a Care, 
the  ground  with  parrots  and  flowers,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung,  15 in.  high  (667,  672). 

Howard,  Lord  Howard  of  Effingham,  impaling 
Bristow.  A circular  dish  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
having  lion  supporters,  the  border  with  a baron’s 
coronet,  peony  branches  and  emblems,  and  banded  with 
roue  de  fer  and  gold,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  11m. 
diam.  (182). 

Francis,  8th  Baron  Howard,  married  secondly  in 
1731,  Anne,  daughter  of  Robert  Bristow. 

Humbertson.  A shaped  mug,  painted  in  Indian  ink 
with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  also  with  Jupiter 
riding  in  his  chariot  on  the  clouds,  Ch’ien-lung,  6 in. 
high  (15),  and  a pair  of  circular  dishes  of  the  same,  the 
centres  painted  with  the  same  subject  (493,  1114). 

Humbertson , of  Walkerne,  Herts. 

Hutchinson,  impaling  Caethorpe.  A Nankin  cylin- 
drical mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mant- 
ling, crest,  a cockatrice  out  of  a ducal  coronet,  motto, 
Perge  et  aleas,  the  ground  with  scroll  work  in  blue 
and  flowers  in  colours,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  5 \in. 
high  (5),  and  a saucer  of  the  same  (813). 

End  of  Eirst  Day’s  Sale. 



FRIDAY,  MARCH  9th,  1923. 



P'  p.  — 1T9  Inglis.  Au  octagonal  soup  tureen  and  cover,  enamelled 

ivith  the  arms,  surrounded  by  scrolls  in  pink  and  gold, 
crest,  a star  environed  with  clouds  and  with  flower 
sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (462).  Anonymous. 
Another,  enamelled  with  armorials  and  crest,  parrots 
and  flower  sprays  (331). 

~ 180  -Jackson,  impaling  Saunders.  A cylindrical  mug, 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  bordered  with  gold  scrolls 
and  flowers,  surmounted  by  a horse  crest,  the  initials 
H.C.J.  on  either  side,  and  with  flower  sprays,  famille 
rose,  Ch’ien-lvng , 4f in.  high  (675),  and  a tea  pot  and 
cover  and  a tea  cup  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  drapery 
mantling,  with  the  same  crest,  motto,  Vires  acquirit 
eundo  (79,  754). 

181  -Jenkins.  A part  tea  service,  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
surrounded  by  naval  trophies,  crest,  a lion  passant,  and 
with  borders  of  Indian  ink  and  gold,  famille  rose, 
Y ung-cheng , comprising  a tea  pot,  cover  and  stand,  a 
sugar  bowl,  a spoon  tray,  four  tea  cups,  three  coffee 
cups  and  five  saucers,  17  pieces. 



i.C.  - 


3.  5.  - 

S'.  /iT. 





J.3.  - 

J./J  • 

Jennings.  A part  tea  service,  enamelled  with  the  arms 
on  scroll  mantling’,  and  with  flowers,  crest,  a demi-lion 
holding-  a trident,  and  with  rouge  de  fer  and  gold 
borders,  comprising  a tea  pot,  cover  and  stand,  a milk 
jug  and  cover  and  two  tea  cups  and  saucers,  famille 
rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (465-468). 

Johnson.  A barrel  shape  mug,  enamelled  with  the 
arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a demi-eagle  out  of  a 
ducal  coronet,  the  border  with  a Rennaissance  design  in 
sepia  and  gold,  Ch’ien-lung,  6 in.  high  (515),  a sauce 
boat  with  two  lips,  of  the  same,  and  a coffee  cup  (237, 

Johnson.  A circular  dish  of  the  same,  15 \in,  diam. 
& (486). 

Johnstone,  impaling  West.  A caddy,  enamelled  with 
the  arms,  crest,  two  crossed  swords,  motto,  Paratus  ad 
Arma,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung.  Anonymous.  Two 
tea  cups  and  saucers,  with  monograms  S.S.M.,  two 
coffee  cups  and  saucers,  with  monograms,  E.L.,  and 
another,  J.N. 

Johnstone,  of  Westerhall,  co.  Dumfries.  A Nankin 
jug,  painted  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest, 
a spur  between  two  wings,  and  with  flowering  branches, 
8f  in.  high  (251),  and  a pair  of  circular  dishes,  of  the 
same,  painted  with  the  crest,  flower  sprays  and  bands 
of  diaper  pattern,  15m.  diam.  (606,  608). 

Jones.  A cylindrical  mug,  enamelled  with  the  crest,  a 
sheaf  of  corn,  monogram,  E.J.,  and  with  flower  sprays 
in  panels  on  modelled  ground,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung,  b\in.  high  (646),  and  two  others,  enamelled  with 
monograms  and  flowers. 

Kelsey.  A cylindrical  mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms 
/ in  scroll  mantling,  in  colours  and  gilt,  surmounted  by 
the  crest,  and  with  groups  of  flowers,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung,  6 in.  high  (199). 


i)  . 5\ 189  Kennedy.  A teapot  and  cover  enamelled  with  the  arms, 

bordered  with  foliage,  crest,  a dolphin,  motto,  Avise 
la  fin,  also  inscribed  Robert  Kennedy,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung  (343).  Anonymous.  A milk  jug  and  cover, 
a caddy  and  cover,  a teapot  stand,  a spoon  tray  and  a 
cup  and  saucer  enamelled  with  armorials  and  crests 
surrounded  by  scrolls  and  flowers  (185,  188,  180,  181, 
232,  233). 

190  Ker,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence,  Martin.  A part  ser- 
vice enamelled  with  the  arms  surrounded  with  scrolls  in 
gold  and  flower  festoons,  crest,  a stag’s  head,  and  with 
borders  of  conventional  ornament,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung  (735,  736,  812,  836,  837). 

? ?■ 

191  Ker,  with  the  same  escutcheon.  A pair  of  circular 
pierced  baskets  and  covers  enamelled  with  the  arms,  four 
anchors  with  chains  attached  in  gold  surround  the 
shield,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , Sin.  diam.  (711,  712). 

S~  / y.  192  Ker.  An  oblong  soup  tureen  of  the  same,  the  borders 
enamelled  with  emblematical  figures  and  classical  vases 
in  pink  panels,  11  \in.  wide  (708). 

/</.  /£.  ~ 193 

Ker.  A large  jug,  a deep  circular  dish  and  a mug  of  the 
same  (207,  709,  710). 

7 7 - ' 194 

King.  Two  tea  caddies  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  an 
ostrich  head  (507,  989).  Kepple,  Earl  of  Albemarle.  A 
salt  cellar  with  the  arms,  having  gold  lion  supporters, 
crest,  out  of  a ducal  coronet  a swan’s  head,  motto,  Ne 
cedi  malis.  Ludlow.  A caddy  and  cover,  with  the 
arms,  crest,  a dexter  arm  holding  a dagger,  thereon  a 
bull’s  head  (337).  Lawrie,  impaling  Holme.  A salt 
cellar,  with  the  arms,  crest,  a tree  trunk  (1043).  Lloyd. 
A coffee  cup  with  the  arms  quarterly  of  six,  crest, 
and  motto,  Non  nobis  nati  sumus,  the  word  Lloyd  below 


/ ~7  6 195  Kitson,  impaling  Gregory.  A soup  plate  enamelled 

/ with  the  arms,  crest,  an  unicorn’s  head,  and  with 

flowers  in  gilt,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (580).  Leach, 
impaling  Hopkins.  A plate  enamelled  with  the  arms 
sides  by  peacocks,  crest,  out  of  a ducal  coronet  an  arm 
grasping  a snake  (561).  Anonymous,  two  soup  plates 
with  different  arms,  etc. 


sT.  *T 


s:  y. 




h ih 


(o  . C . 


6 . <* 



Lamb.  An  oval  soup  tureen  and  cover  enamelled  with 
the  arms  and  surrounded  by  gilt  scrolls,  crest,  a Paschal 
lamb,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (179).  Anonymous. 
A square  shaped  jardiniere  enamelled  with  crests,  flower 
sprays  and  bamboo. 

Lambert,  Baronet.  An  octagonal  dish  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  a drapery  cartouche,  crest,  three  ostrich 
feathers,  motto,  Seguitando  si  giunge,  the  border  with 
groups  of  flowers  and  emblems  and  with  diaper  work  in 
rouge  de  fer  and  gold,  Ch’ien-lung , 13fm.  diam.  (485). 

Lambton.  A cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms 
in  a foliage  cartouche,  and  with  flower  branches,  the 
/ crest,  a ram’s  head,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  Q\in. 
high  (110). 

Lancaster.  A set  of  three  cylindrical  mugs  enamelled 
with  the  arms  in  shields  with  gold  scroll  outline  and 
foliage,  surmounted  by  the  crest,  the  ground  with 
sprays  of  flowers  and  gold  link  borders,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung,  4 \in.  to  5 \in.  high  (648  to  650). 

Lancaster.  A teapot  and  a caddy  of  the  same  service 
<?  (647). 

Langton.  A part  tea  service  painted  with  the  arms  in 
flower  and  foliage  cartouches,  in  rouge  de  fer,  sepia 
and  gilt,  crest,  a heart  between  two  wings,  comprising 
— a tea  pot  and  cover,  a milk  jug,  a bowl,  two  tea  cups, 
and  two  saucers  (332-336). 

Langton.  Another  tea  service  enamelled  with  the  same 
arms  and  crest  in  a different  shield,  surrounded  by  pink 
and  gold  scrolls  and  foliage,  the  ground  also  gilt 
with  flower  sprays,  comprising  a teapot  and  cover,  a 
milk  jug,  a bowl,  two  cups  and  two  saucers  (325-330). 

Langton.  An  oval  shape  soup  tureen  and  cover  of  the 
same,  a circular  bowl  and  cover,  and  a pair  of  sauce 
‘ boats  (189,  196,  414,  415). 


If  . / Jf-  . C?  204  Lawrence,  impaling  Ilbery.  A sauce  tureen  and  stand 
enamelled  with  the  arms  surrounded  by  flower  festoons, 
crest,  two  tree  trunks  environed  with  a chaplet,  the 
borders  green  and  gold,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (450, 
451),  a sauce  tureen,  cover  and  stand  gilt  with  the 
initials  T.  C.  C.,  crest,  a hind,  motto,  Vix  ea  nostra 
voco,  and  with  Chinese  river  scenes  in  brown  panels  of 
gold  diaper,  etc. 

/ (o  / (o  . — 205  Leighton.  A pair  of  Nankin  sauce  tureens  and  covers 
enamelled  with  the  arms  bordered  with  palm  branches, 
crest,  a wyvern,  and  with  blue  and  gilt  borders,  famille 
rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (566,  573). 

/3  . / 3 . — 206  Lethietjllier,  impaling  Salkeld.  A circular  dish 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a parrot,  the  borders 
with  groups  of  flowers,  emblems  and  diaper  pattern  in 
colours  and  gold,  famille  verte,  K’ang-hsi,  l4 in.  diam. 

. //j . £ 207  Leveson-Gower,  Earl  Gower,  impaling  Stewart.  A 

cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 
wolf  passant  surmounted  by  an  earl’s  coronet  and  with 
supporters,  motto,  Frangas  non  flectes,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung , 4 \in.  high  (243). 

? 3 — 208  Leveson-Gower,  etc.  A saucer  dish  of  -the  same,  8 in. 

diam.  (242). 

See  illustration. 

^5  ' - — 209  Leveson-Gower,  etc.,  A milk  jug,  a tea  cup,  a coffee  cup 

and  two  saucers  (152,  153,  244). 

Granville  Leveson-Gower,  afterwards  Marquis  of 
Stafford,  K.G.,  married  thirdly  \in  1768,  Lady 
Susannah  Stewart,  daughter  of  the  6th  Earl  of  Gallo- 

/ /6  " ~ 210  Ligonier.  A part  tea  service  enamelled  with  the  arms 

within  a riband  of  the  Bath,  from  which  the  badge  is 
suspended,  the  supporters,  two  lions  reguardant,  each 
holding  a tilting  spear  bearing  a banner  of  the  arms, 
motto,  A rege  et  victoria,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung, 
comprising  a teapot  and  cover,  a tea  caddy  and  cover,  a 
milk  jug,  two  tea  cups,  a coffee  cup  and  two  saucers, 
10  pieces  (292-297). 

Field-Marshal  Sir  John  Louis  Ligonier,  K.B.,  was 
created  Viscount  Ligonier  31s£  December,  1757,  and 
afterwards  Earl  Ligonier,  10 th  September,  1766. 


211  Lindsay.  A pair  of  soup  plates  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
scroll  mantling,  and  flowers,  crest,  an  ostrich  holding 
2 / ? in  it’s  beak  a key,  motto,  Patientia  vincit,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung  (553,  554). 

212  Longden.  A punch  bowl  enamelled  with  the  arms, 

crest,  a talhot’s  head,  flower  branches  and  palms,  coast 
o ,r>  (r)  scenes  with  sailing  ships,  etc.,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 

lung,  11  \in.  diam.  (661). 

213  Lovett.  Two  cylindrical  mugs  enamelled  with  the  arms 

in  shaped  shields,  the  borders  in  colours  and  gold, 
g £ — motto,  Spe,  and  with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung,  bin.  and  6 in.  high  (23,  24). 

214  Lovett.  A part  tea  service  enamelled  with  the  same 
arms,  crest  and  motto,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  com- 
. /i  — prising1  a teapot  and  cover,  a bowl,  three  tea  cups  and 
two  coffee  cups,  8 pieces  (696,  697,  864,  865,  866-868). 

215  Ludlow.  A part  service  enamelled  with  the  arms,  sur- 
rounded by  bands  of  husks,  flowers  and  bamboo,  the 
crest,  a demi-lion  rampant,  and  with  initials  J.  L. 
, motto,  Fide  et  amore,  comprising  a teapot,  cover  and 
7 ■ stand,  a coffee  pot  and  cover,  a large  cup  and  saucer, 

a tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer,  and  a pair  of  small 
plates  (420-425,  745,  746). 

216  Lundin,  of  that  Ilk.  A punch  bowl,  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  supporters,  two  lions  rampant,  crest,  out  of  an 
antique  crown  a lion  affronte , motto,  Dei  dono  sum 
o - j ■ ~ quad  sum,  and  with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung,  11  in.  diam.  (212). 

217  Lynch,  with  the  escutcheon  of  pretence,  Wake.  A pair 
of  large  jugs  with  modelled  mask  lips,  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  scroll  mantling  and  palm  branches,  crest,  a 
lynx  passant,  motto,  Loyal  au  mort,  the  ground  of  one 
hi  • //.  also  with  cocks  standing  upon  rocks  under  peony 
branches,  the  other  with  landscapes,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung , 13 \in.  high  (742). 

John  Lynch,  D.D..  Dean  of  Canterbury , married 
Mary,  daughter  of  William  Wake,  Archbishop  of 


3 3 . 218  Lysaght,  Baron  Lisle.  Two  Nankin  tea  pots,  a cover, 

and  a sugar  basin  and  cover  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
having  lions  supporters,  motto,  Bella  horrida  bella, 
Ch’ien-lung  (680-682). 

/ 0 7 /<$  7 — 219  Macfarlane.  A tea  service  enamelled  with  the  arms 
supported  by  two  Highlanders  in  belted  plaids  with 
broad  swords,  inscribed  below  “ Loch  Sloy,”  the  crest, 
a demi-savage,  and  with  motto  above,  “ This  I’ll 
defend,”  also  with  red  and  gilt  borders,  comprising  a 
tea  pot,  cover  and  stand,  a milk  jug  and  cover,  two  tea 
caddies,  one  cover,  a bowl,  a spoon  tray,  six  tea  cups 
and  saucers,  famille  rose , Ch’ien-lung,  22  'pieces  (1061- 

See  illustration. 

(o  ■ /(?-(?  220  Macfarlane.  A part  tea  service  enamelled  with  the 
same  arms,  etc.,  the  Highland  supporters  wearing  green 
plaids,  and  with  blue  and  gilt  borders,  comprising  a 
teapot  and  cover,  a milk  jug,  a tea  bottle,  a tea  cup, 
a coffee  cup  and  a saucer,  Ch’ien-lung,  7 pieces  (312, 
1073,  878,  1074). 

3.  3.  — 221  Mack.  A shaped  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a 

cartouche  with  scroll  borders  and  palm  leaves,  famille 
rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  4 \in.  high. 

/ c £ 222  Mackenzie.  A pair  of  circular  dishes,  the  centres  pen- 
cilled with  Neptune  and  Yenus,  the  borders  with  the 
arms,  crest,  a mountain  in  flames,  motto,  Data  fata 
secutus,  and  with  flower  sprays,  Ch’ien-lung  (494),  and 
a set  of  three  salt  cellars  (118-120). 

223  Mackintosh.  A Nankin  cylindrical  mug’,  enamelled 
with  the  arms  quarterly,  in  a shield  surrounded  by 
thistles,  the  crest,  a cat-a-mountain  saliant  guardant, 
motto,  Touch  not  the  cat  hut  a glove,  and  with  blue 
borders,  5 in.  high  (419).  Dixon,  impaling.  A cylin- 
drical mug  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a 
demi-hind  couped,  motto,  Fortes  fortuna  juvat,  b\in. 
high  (250).  Clay.  A cylindrical  mug  painted  with 
the  arms  and  crest,  5 \in.  high  (517). 


Part  of  Tea  Service. 

224  MacPherson.  A plate  enamelled  with  the  arms  sur- 
rounded by  scrolls  in  blue  and  gold,  crest,  a cat  sagent, 
motto,  Touch  not  the  cat  but  the  glove , and  with  flower 
3.3.  — sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (320),  and  another, 
enamelled  with  Italian  buildings  in  the  centre,  the 
borders  with  pastoral  scenes,  the  arms  and  crest  (585). 

225  Maddox,  impaling.  A small  teapot  and  cover  enamelled 
with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a lion  sagent, 
and  with  flower  sprays  in  Indian  ink  and  gold  (992). 
/ Morley.  A tea  pot  and  cover,  and  a coffee  cup  and 
k saucer,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling  and 
flowers,  crest,  out  of  a ducal  coronet  a griffin’s  head 

226  Maitland.  A coffee  pot  and  cover,  a milk  jug  and  cover 
and  a tea  caddy  and  cover  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a 
shield  before  a military  trophy,  crest,  a lion’s  head 
fa . b — erased,  motto,  Paix  et  -pen,  and  with  flower  sprays, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (127,  928,  932). 

227  Maitland.  Two  cylindrical  mugs,  enamelled  with  the 
arms  quarterly,  crest,  a lion  sejant  duca'lly  crowned, 
mottoes,  Deo  juvante  and  Consilio  et  animis,  the  ground 
with  groups  of  flowers,  the  borders  of  pink  ribbon,  bam- 
7-  ~7 . boo  and  flowering  branches,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 
5 \in.  and  5 \in.  high  (623,  624). 

From  the  J . .7.  Howard  Collection. 

228  Maitland.  A teapot,  cover  and  stand,  a milk  jug  and 
-y  — cover,  a caddy  of  the  same  (619-622). 

229  Major.  A cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
a shield  surrounded  by  flowers  and  gold  scrollwork, 
/•  //.  C and  surmounted  by  the  crest,  a greyhound’s  head, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , \\in.  high  (458). 

230  Mann,  impaling  Guise.  A circular  dish  enamelled 
with  the  arms  surrounded  by  red  and  gold  scrolls,  the 
border  with  the  crest,  a demi-dragon,  and  with  flowers 
//.  //  — and  emblems,  banded  with  scrollwork  in  rouge  de  fer 
and'  gold,  famille  verte,  K’ang-hsi,  16fm.  diam.  (728). 

Eleanor,  daughter  of  Christopher  Guise,  of  Abbot’s 
Court,  Glos.,  married  Robert  Mann,  of  Linton,  Kent. 

From  the  .7.  -7.  Howard  Collection. 


— "231  Martin.  An  Imari  teapot  stand,  painted  with  the  arms, 
crest,  a hound  passant,  and  with  flower  sprays  (338). 
Mttnro,  Baronet.  A plate  and  a saucer  with  the  arms, 
eagle  crest  and  motto,  Dread  God.  Macgregor.  A 
sugar  howl  with  the  arms  and  crest.  Montgomery,  with 
escutcheon  of  pretence.  A tea  cup  with  the  arms  and 
crest  (1021).  May.  A coffee  cup  with  the  arms  and 
crest  (1017).  Middleton.  Two  Nankin  cups  and 
covers  with  the  arms  and  crest  (543,  544).  Nairnf, 
(Lord  Nairne).  A large  tea  pot  and  cover  with  the 
arms  quarterly,  surmounted  by  a baron’s  coronet, 
below  the  initials  J.  A.  N.,  famille  rose,  Ch'ien-lung 
(391).  Newland.  A caddy  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 
wolf’s  head,  motto,  Nil  desperandum  (7).  Mackey, 
impaling  Neate.  A spoon  tray  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 
hand  holding  a dagger,  motto,  Mann  forti  (252). 

232  Marriott.  A punch  bowl  enamelled  with  the  arms  sur- 
rounded by  scrolls,  crest,  a talbot  passant,  and  with 
groups  of  flowers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-hmg,  12r??. 
diam.  (247). 

6“\  3 . — 233  Marsh.  A Nankin  milk  jug  enamelled  with  the  arms, 

crest,  a nag’s  head  out  of  a mural  coronet  (304). 
Mawbey,  impaling  Pratt.  Two  coffee  cups  enamelled 
with  the  arms,  crest,  an  eagle  displayed,  motto,  Auriga 
virtutum  prudentia  (935).  Manby.  A basin  and  cover 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a hand  holding'  a 
sword  (999).  M.  M.  M.  A sugar  basin  and  cover  with 
a monogram  (317).  Miller.  A milk  jug  with  the  arms, 
crest,  a lion  rampant  azure  (11).  Macleay.  A caddy 
and  cover  with  the  arms,  crest,  a stag’s  head,  motto, 
Spes  anehora  vitae  (707). 

/<D  ■ /O  — 234  Marshall.  A pair  of  water  bottles,  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  scroll  mantling  in  lake  and  gilt,  crest,  a 
sprig  of  broom,  motto,  Virescit,  and  with  groups  of 
flowers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 9f in.  high  (934.  935). 

From  the  J.  J.  Howard  Collection . 


235  Martin.  A salad  bowl,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  sur- 
rounded by  flowers  and  scrolls  in  colours  and  gold,  crest 
a fox,  and  with  foliage  borders  in  rouge  de  fer  and  gold, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  9 fm.  sq.  (109),  a sauce 
/2.  /2.  • — tureen,  cover  and  stand  of  the  same,  a sweet  dish,  a 
spoon  tray  and  a tea  pot  and  cover,  the  latter  with  dif- 
ferent ornament  (.150,  .15.1,  941,  942,  990). 



Mathew,  impaling  Byam.  A plate,  enamelled  with  a 
basket  of  flowers,  the  arms  in  the  border,  motto,  Equam 
serrate  mentern,  and  with  flowers  in  gold,  bianca  sopra 
hianca,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (764).  Nicholls, 
impaling.  A plate  with  the  arms,  crest,  a wolf’s  head, 
’ the  border  with  scrolls  and  flowers  in  rouge  de  fer  and 
gold  (442).  North,  impaling  Cox.  A pair  of  Nankin 
small  plates  with  the  arms,  crest,  a talbot’s  head, 
motto,  Prcemium  industriae  (738). 



M’Culloch.  A milk  jug  and  cover,  a caddy  and  cover, 
two  coffee  cups  and  a saucer  dish,  enamelled  with  the 
arms  in  shaped  shields,  with  gilt  scroll  borders  and  foli- 
/ age,  surmounted  by  the  crest,  an  ermine,  motto,  Sine 
^ macula,  and  with  gold  link  borders,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung  (790,  1076-1079). 

‘238  Meade.  A cylindrical  mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms 
in  scroll  mantling  in  an  oval  panel,  crest,  an  eagle 
or  out  of  a ducal  coronet,  the  ground  with  flower  sprays 
C./C.Cr  in  rich  colours,  famille  rerte,  K’ang-hsi,  6 j in . high 

239  Mendez.  A part  tea  service,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
scroll  mantling,  turquoise,  lake  and  gilt,  crest,  a plume 
of  ostrich  feathers,  and  with  gold  borders,  comprising 
. — a tea  pot,  cover  and  stand,  a milk  jug,  four  tea  cups, 
five  coffee  cups  and  three  saucers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung , 16  pieces  (779,  1080-1087). 

240  Mercer.  A chocolate  pot,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
:scroll  mantling,  crest,  a stork’s  head,  motto,  Crux 
~ ^ . Christi  nostra  corona,  and  with  parrots  and  flowers, 

0/8.6  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  6 \in.  high  (475).  Anony- 
mous. A coffee  pot  and  cover  with  armorials  in  scroll 


//.  //.  — 241 

Meeiton.  A pair  of  Nankin  square  salad  bowls,  a pair 
of  sauce  tureens  and  covers,  a pair  of  sauce  boats  and 
stands,  a pair  of  salt  cellars,  a plate  and  two  odd  covers, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  drapery  cartouches,  crest,  a 
cross-crosslet  fibcliee,  motto,  Verge  mereri,  and  with 
blue  diaper  and  gold  borders,  Ch’ien-lung  (819-826). 

//.  li  — 242 

Nanfan.  A circular  dish,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  and 
crest,  a talbot  passant,  the  border  with  flower  and  fruit 
branches  in  colours,  and  with  diaper  work  in  rouge  de 
fer  and  gold,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  \b\in.  diam. 






Nassau,  Earl  of  Rochford,  quarterly.  A mug 

enamelled  with  the  arms,  with  ducal  coronet  and  lion 
supporters,  motto,  Spes  durat  avorum,  the  sepia  diaper 
border  is  outlined  with  gold  scroll  work,  Ch’ien-lung , 
\\in.  high  (898). 

C . (p  . - 244 

Nassau,  Earl  of  Rochford,  impaling  Young.  A mug, 
the  arms  quarterly,  as  above,  with  the  addition,  the 
same  supporters,  coronet,  crest  and  motto,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung,  biin.  high  (455). 

William  Henri/,  4 th  Earl  of  Rochford , married  in 
1740  Lucy  Young,  of  Durnford,  Wilts. 

From  the  J . J . Howard  collection . 

C . /<£  Cp  245 

Nf.ale,  quartering  Barra.  Two  cylindrical  mugs,  the 
arms  enamelled  in  a shield,  surrounded  by  flowers  in 
colours  and  scrolls  in  gold,  and  with  pelican  crest, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , bbm.  high. 

- 246 

Neltiiorpe,  impaling  Norvel.  A spoon  tray, 

enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a hand  holding  a 
dagger.  Nicoi.son.  A Nankin  shell  dish,  enamelled 
with  the  crest.  Leigh  (?)  A sweetmeat  dish,  six  odd 
covers,  a tea  cup  and  saucer,  painted  with  a Continental 
town,  and  with  the  arms  above  in  Indian  ink,  the  bowl 
for  a punch  ladle,  two  small  Sheffield  plate  ladles. 

, impaling  Leigh.  A circular  dish,  enamelled  with 

the  arms,  crest,  two  paws,  14m.  diam.  Anonymous, 

3 . 3.  — 247 

Newland.  A tea  pot  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the 
arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest  a wolf’s  head,  and  with 
vine  borders,  Ch’ien-lung. 



!.  /2  0 

Newton.  A sliaped  mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
crest,  a man  holding-  a short  sword,  and  with  flowers  and 
fruit  branches,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  6 in.  high. 

249  O’IjRien.  A plate,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest  a 
dexter  hand  holding  a sword,  the  border  with  a shipping 
scene  (590).  Papworth,  impaling  Masser.  A plate, 
, , / enamelled  with  the  arms,  the  border  with  scrolls  in 

>.  ‘b?  & Indian  ink  and  gold  (595).  Anonymous.  A plate, 
enamelled  with  Chinese  figures  in  a garden,  flowers, 
arms  and  crest. 

250  O’Shee,  impaling  Hoskins.  A tea  pot  and  cover, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  and  with 
swan  crest,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (174).  Stanhold. 
Another,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  a leopard  crest. 

— Anonymous.  A large  tea  pot  and  cover,  enamelled 
with  armorials,  parrots  and  flowers.  Hall  (?)  A coffee 
pot  and  cover  with  the  arms  and  crest  (280). 

251  Parker,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence.  Strong.  A pair 
of  Nankin  sauce  boats,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  gold 
scroll  mantling,  crest  a leopard’s  head,  motto,  Sub 
lihertate  quietem,  and  with  blue  diaper  borders,  and  a 
' • soup  plate,  Ch’ien-lung  (235,  236,  583). 

Sir  Thos.  Parker,  Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer, 
married  secondlg  in  1740  Martha  Strong , of  Greenwich. 

252  Parker,  etc.  A Nankin  punch  bowl  of  the  same,  the 
arms  in  the  centre,  9 in.  diam.  (282). 

253  Parker,  impaling  Wale.  A tea  pot  and  cover, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a shield,  motto,  Quod  tibi 
hoc  alteri,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (203).  Popham. 
A small  bowl  with  the  arms,  crest,  a buck’s  head  (965). 
Pratt,  Earl  Camden.  A milk  jug  and  cover,  painted 
~ with  the  arms  in  Indian  ink  and  gold,  supporters,  a 
griffin  and  a lion,  motto,  Judicium  parium  aut  lex 
terree,  surmounted  by  an  earl’s  coronet  (204).  Pon- 
sonby.  A caddy  with  the  arms,  crest,  a demi-lion 
sejant  (158).  Peirce.  A caddy  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 
raven  holding  a trefoil,  motto,  In  deo  confdo  (701). 


/$  . 6 254  Parked.  A tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer,  enamelled 

with  the  arms  in  shields,  crest,  a cubit  arm  holding  a 
stag’s  attire,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (57,  683). 
Pratt,  impaling  Sutton.  A tea  cup  and  saucer  with 
the  arms  (16).  Pigott,  impaling  Cope.  An  octagonal 
soup  tureen  and  covei  with  the  arms  in  scroll  borders, 
crest  a greyhound,  a tea  pot  and  cover,  enamelled  with 
armorials,  surrounded  with  scrolls,  and  with  the  letter 
P in  gold  (6).  Pinfold,  impaling.  A Nankin  salt 
cellar  with  the  arms,  crest,  out  of  a crown  pallisado  a 
tree  (1042).  Pollock.  A coffee  cup  and  saucer  with 
the  arms,  crest,  a boar  passant  shot  through  with  a 
dart,  motto,  Audacter  et  strenue  (58).  Pickering.  A 
coffee  cup  with  the  arms  and  crest  (1019). 

3.  /3  . 6 255  P arkyns,  A cylindrical  mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
crest,  a pineapple  emerging  from  a coronet,  and  with 
flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch'ien-lung,  h\in.  high. 

/ . // . c 256  Parry,  impaling  Milborne.  A circular  dish, 

enamelled  with  the  arms,  surrounded  by  scrolls  and 
flowers,  crest,  three  battleaxes  entwined  with  ribbons, 
the  border  with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
Lung,  14 in.  diam.  (716). 

257  Parsons,  impaling  Crowley.  A circular  dish  and  a 
pair  of  plates,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  the  border 
with  the  crest,  an  eagle’s  leg  standing  on  a leopard’s 
face,  and  with  flowers  and  scrolls  in  colours,  dragons 
and  phoenix  pencilled  in  blue,  gold  outline,  famille 
verte,  K’ang-hsi,  the  dish  14m.  diam.  (307,  576,  577). 

Humphrey  Parsons,  of  Reigate,  twice  Lord  Mayor 
of  London,  married  at  Westminster  Abbey,  1719, 
Sarah,  daughter  of  Sir  Ambrose  Crowley,  Alderman  of 

$7  9. 

258  Pawlet,  Duke  of  Bolton.  A tea  caddy  and  cover,  a 
teapot  stand,  a tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer,  enamelled 
with  the  arms  in  scroll  cartouches  with  gilt  borders 
supported  by  two  hinds,  crest,  a falcon,  the  wings  dis- 
played, ducally  gorged,  motto,  Aymes  loyaulte,  and 
with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (340,  342, 
376,  575). 



L 6.  - 

\f<?.  J& 

Z.  2.- 





Jlf.  Hf. 

Pembridge.  A pair  of  sauce  boats  enamelled  with  tile- 
arms  surrounded  by  scrolls  in  colours,  crest,  a lion 
passant,  and  witli  sprays  of  flowers  and  gold  borders, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung.  Anonymous.  A sauce 
tureen,  cover  and  stand,  painted  with  armorials  and 
crests  in  puce,  tbe  borders  enamelled  with  flowers  and 
bamboo  (157). 

Phipps,  Baron  Mulgrave.  Two  punch  bowls  and  a 
salad  bowl  enamelled  with  tbe  arms  in  ermine  car- 
touches,  surmounted  by  a baron’s  coronet  and  supported 
by  a unicorn  and  a goat,  crest,  a lion’s  jamb  bolding  a 
trefoil,  motto,  Virtuti  quies,  and  with  flower  sprays,. 
■ tbe  drapery  border  of  pink  and  gilt  depending  from 
loops  and  ties,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  the  howls 
13m.  diam.,  the  salad  howl  10m.  square  (42,  132,  143).. 

Pierrepont,  Duke  of  Kingstown.  A Wedgwood  oval 
shaped  dish  painted  with  the  arms,  supporters  and 
crest,  a lion  rampant,  and  with  flower  sprays,  motto,. 
Pie  repone  te,  20 \in.  wide. 

Pole.  A pair  of  plates  enamelled  with  European  build- 
ings and  shipping  scenes,  the  borders  with  the  arms  and 
bird  crest,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (861,  862). 

Poultney.  A circular  dish  enamelled  with  the  arms,. 

crest,  a leopard’s  head  ducally  gorged,  the  ground  and 
- border  with  gold  flower  branches,  the  latter  with  the 
crest  four  times  repeated,  K’ang-hsi  (409). 

Pitt,  Baron  of  Londonderry,  with  escutcheon  of 
pretence,  Ridgeway.  A part  tea  service  enamelled' 
with  the  arms  having  falcon  supporters,  the  shield  is 
surmounted  by  a baron’s  coronet  and  crest,  a stork 
argent,  motto,  Amitie,  Ch’ien-lung , comprising  a small 
-teapot,  cover  and  stand,  a caddy  and  cover,  two  small 
bowls  and  a spoon  tray  (800-805),  and  a cup  and 
saucer  with  the  stork  crest  and  baron’s  coronet  (806). 

Colonel  Thomas  Pitt  married  Lady  Frances  Ridge- 
way, daughter  of  Robert,  Earl  of  Londonderry , 1716, 
Colonel  Pitt  was  created  a Baron  of  Londonderry , 1719,. 
and  Earl  of  Londonderry , 1726,  this  service,  therefore,, 
must  have  been  made  before  1726. 


3.  / 3 . & 265 

Price.  A punch  howl  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a 
medallion  depending  from  a ribbon  tie,  crest,  a griffin’s 
head,  and  with  initials  S.P.,  iamille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung, 
10 \in.  diam.  (924),  and  a caddy  of  the  same  (521). 

From  the  7.  7.  Howard  Collection. 

(o  . - 266 

Pringle.  A teapot,  cover  and  stand,  a caddy  and  cover, 
and  a coffee  cup  and  saucer,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
shields  with  scroll  outline,  crest,  on  a saltire  azure  an 
escallop  or,  and  with  flower  sprays,  motto,  Spero  et 
progredior,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (505,  506,  157). 

3 /3.  (p  267 

Pryce,  impaling  Bird.  A shaped  mug  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  a shield  surrounded  by  pink  and  gold 
scrolls  and  with  flowers,  crest,  a lion  rampant,  famille 
rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  6 \in.  high  (260).  Anonymous.  A 
shaped  mug  enamelled  with  armorials,  crests,  birds  and 
flowers  in  colours  and  gilt,  motto,  Pour  hien  guire, 
6 in.  high  (261). 

J — 268 

Ramsay,  impaling  Knight.  A barrel  shape  mug 
enamelled  with  the  crest  in  a shield  bordered  with 
flowers  and  scrolls,  the  crest,  an  unicorn’s  head,  motto, 
Ora  et  lahora,  the  ground  with  festoons  and  sprays  of 
flowers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , b\in.  high  (651). 

• / <°  ■ & 269 

Ramsay.  A pair  of  plates,  and  a tea  cup  enamelled 
with  the  arms  in  cartouches  in  pink  and  gold,  a man- 
darin’s head  is  painted  above  motto,  Ora  et  lahora, 
the  borders  with  flowering  branches  and  gold  ornament, 
famille  rose,  Yung-cheng  (666,  759). 

S?  ^ 270 

Rarer,  impaling  Bellers.  A circular  dish  and  a deep 
dish  enamelled  with  the  arms  and  motto,  Tute  si  recte 
vixeris,  the  border  with  the  crest,  an  antelope’s  head, 
and  flowers  and  emblems  in  colours  and  gold,  famille 
verte,  K’ang-lisi,  12 \in.  and  12 \in.  diam.  (665,  855). 

3 75*  . C 271 

Rich.  A large  punch  bowl  enamelled  with  the  arms 
surrounded  by  scrolls  in  colours  and  gold,  crest,  a grey- 
hound’s head,  and  with  pheasants  under  peony 
branches,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  15 \in.  diam. 

348  273 


272  Robertson.  A Nankin  cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  red,  white,  blue  and  gold, 
crest,  a hand  holding  a falchion,  motto,  Ramis  viicat 
radix,  Ch’ien-lung , 4 \in.  high  (1).  Robertson,  im- 
f . — paling.  A caddy  with  arms  and  crest  in  black  and  gold, 
motto,  Virtutes  gloria  merces  (947).  Robertson,  im- 
paling Stewart.  A tea  cup  (1011). 

273  Robertson  and  Stewart.  A pair  of  octagonal  shaped 
vases,  enamelled  with  the  arms  on  two  shields  side  by 
side,  under  one  a wild  man  chained,  crest,  out  of  a 
chapeau  gules  a hand  holding  an  imperial  crown, 
^2  — — motto,  Virtutis  gloria  merces , surrounded  by  flowers 
and  foliage,  the  ground  with  initials  H.  R.,  and  with 
flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  11  \in.  high 
(40,  41). 

See  illustration. 

274  Robinson.  A plate  enamelled  with  the  arms  surrounded 
by  scrolls  and  flowers  in  colours  and  gold,  crest,  a buck 
sable,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (571).  Rodney, 
v3 . IS.  (c  Baron  Rodney.  A tea  cup  with  the  crest  and  baron’s 
coronet  (12).  Anonymous.  A Nankin  soup  plate  with 
armorials  and  crest. 


Ross,  impaling  Ross.  Two  tea  cups  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a dexter  hand  hold- 
ing a wreath,  motto,  Nobilis  est  ira  leones  (936-938). 
Rabett.  A sugar  basin  and  cover  and  a milk  jug 
with  the  arms,  crest,  a demi-rabbit  (473,  474).  Rose, 
' impaling.  A caddy  and  cover  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 
harp  azure,  motto,  Constant  and  true.  Richardson. 
A salt  cellar  with  the  arms,  crest,  a dexter  hand  in 
armour  grasping  a broad  sword,  motto,  Virtute 
acquiritur  honos  (254).  Rowe,  impaling  Handley. 
A tea  cup  and  saucer,  the  arms  quarterly,  crest,  out  of  a 
ducal  coronet  a demi-lion,  motto,  Libertas  pretiotior 
auro  (852). 

276  Ross.  A shaped  mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  rich 
scroll  mantling  and  gilt,  crest,  a dexter  hand  holding 
a — a wreath,  motto,  Nec  temere  nec  timide,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung , 6$in.  high  (900),  and  a coffee  cup  (47). 

277  Ross.  A circular  dish  of  the  same,  the  border  painted 
~ — _ with  landscapes,  birds,  and  flowers  in  sepia  and  gilt, 

$ . t>  . in  panels  with  scroll  borders,  lb\in.  diam.  (479). 


vf . 5~.  - 278 

Rumbold.  A large  punch  bowl  enamelled  with  the  arms 
surrounded  by  flowers  and  leafage  in  colours  and  gold, 
crest,  a demi-lion,  the  border  with  shells  and  sprays 
in  puce  and  gold,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  16m. 
diam.  (372). 

From  the  J.  J.  Howard  Collection. 

2.  /2  . C 279 

Rustat.  A cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms  in 
scroll  mantling  and  surmounted  by  a crest,  the  ground 
with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  Gin. 
high  (309). 

/2 . /£.  — 280 

Sanders,  impaling.  A milk  jug  enamelled  with  the 
arms,  crest,  a demi-bull  rampant  (909).  Southwell, 
impaling  Watson.  A caddy  and  cover  with  the  arms, 
crest,  a demi-Indian  goat  (529).  Strachan.  A pair 
of  salt  cellars  with  the  arms,  crest,  on  a knight’s  helmet 
a stag,  motto,  Non  timeo  sed  caveo.  From  the  Julia 
Boyd  Collection.  Stewart.  A salt  cellar  with  the 
arms,  bird  crest,  motto,  Sola  juvat  virtus  (1128). 
Spiller,  impaling.  A Nankin  coffee  cup  and  saucer, 
with  the  arms,  crest,  a falcon  standing  on  a snake, 
motto,  Aquila  non  capit  muscas  (183).  Stewart.  A 
coffee  cup  and  saucer  with  the  arms,  crest,  a demi-lion, 
motto,  Hinc  orior. 

//.  / f . - 281 

Saunders.  A part  tea  service,  enamelled  with  the  arms 
in  foliage  cartouches  of  ruby,  white  and  gold,  crest, 
an  elephant’s  head,  the  borders  painted  with  birds, 
trellis  panels  and  foliage  in  sepia  and  gilt,  Ch’ien-lung, 
comprising*  two  tea  pots  and  covers,  a tea  pot  stand,  two 
tea  caddies,  one  cover,  a milk  jug  and  cover,  two  sugar 
basins,  one  cover,  a bowl,  two  spoon  trays,  a tea  cup,  a 
coffee  cup  and  a saucer,  19  pieces  (827-835,  146,  1014- 

2^  6 ~ 282 

Saunders.  A set  of  three  water  bottles  of  the  same, 
10m.  high,  a circular  dish,  13 \in.  diam.,  and  a punch 
bowl,  15 \in.  diam.  (187,  690,  856,  400). 

//  .u  - 283 

Selby,  impaling  Tuite.  A tea  pot  and  cover,  a cup  and 
saucer  and  a small  plate,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  sur- 
rounded by  scrolls  in  lake  and  with  flower  festoons, 
crest,  a saracen’s  head,  motto,  Semper  sapit  suprema, 
and  with  gold  scroll  borders,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung 
(1025-1027),  and  a cover  for  a tureen. 


284  Selby,  etc.  A pair  of  circular  dishes  of  the  same,  the 
(f . (y . — borders  with  gold  scroll  work,  15 \in.  diam.  (1028). 

285  Skinner.  A coffee  pot  and  cover,  a tea  cup  and  saucer, 

a coup  plate  and  a small  dish,  enamelled  with  the  arms, 
surrounded  by  scrolls  in  colours  and  gilt,  crest,  a 
4)  • / (o  griffin’s  head  holding  a hand,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung  (93,  211,  323,  863). 

4. 'h-  & 

Slader.  A tea  pot,  cover  and  stand,  a milk  jug,  a tea 
cup,  coffee  cup  and  two  saucers,  enamelled  with  the  arms 
in  a shield,  with  gilt  scroll  outline,  also  with  flowers, 
the  borders  with  foliage  scrolls,  crest,  a jamb  holding 
four  ostrich  feathers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (546, 
588,  949,  996,  1040). 

287  Slader,  impaling  Green.  A small  shaped  mug, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a shield  of  gold  outline,  sur- 
^ / mounted  by  a plume  crest  and  with  scroll  border, 
^ famille  rose,  Cli  ien-lung , 4f in.  high  (721.) 

288  Smalley.  A Nankin  vase  and  a beaker,  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  ermine  cartouches,  crest,  an  unicorn  cou- 
chant,  motto,  Fide  et  diligentia,  and  with  scrolls  and 
flowers  in  blue,  10 high  (215,  221).  Stonhouse. 
sy  / A milk  jug,  with  the  arms,  crest,  a talbot’s  head  catch- 
o /o  . ^ ing  a dove,  motto,  Suhlimiora  petamus  (447).  Salt. 

A basin  with  the  arms  (318).  Scarlett,  impaling. 
A sauce  boat  with  the  arms,  crest,  two  lions’  jambs 
supporting  a pillar  (927).  Scott,  impaling.  A lea 
caddy  with  the  arms,  crest,  a stag  passant  (702). 

289  Smith.  A coffee  pot  and  cover,  enamelled  with  the  arms 
and  surrounded  by  scrolls  and  flowers  in  colours  and 
gold,  crest,  an  ostrich  head,  and  with  flower  sprays, 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  9f in.  high  (275).  Smith, 
[(s  ~ Nottingham.  A milk  jug  and  a saucer,  with  the 

arms  and  festoons  of  flowers,  crest,  an  elephant’s  head, 
initials  J.  E.  S.  (706,  768).  Smith,  impaling  Bird. 
A salt  cellar  (930). 



Smith  (another  family).  A punch  bowl,  enamelled  with 
_ the  arms,  crest,  an  ounce’s  head,  and  with  chrysanthe- 
mum branches,  Ch’ien-lung,  7f in.  diam.  (322). 


S~.  ff  — 291  Smyth.  A Nankin  cylindrical  niu”’,  enamelled  with  the 

arms  in  fine  scroll  mantling-,  and  with  ostrich  crest, 
motto,  Tien  ta  foy,  sprays  of  flowers  and  with  bine 
scroll  borders,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 5^in.  high 
(907),  from  the  .7.  7.  Howard  Collection,  and  a chocolate 
pot  and  cover  with  the  same  arms  (502). 

2 , 2-  — 292  Smyth.  Two  bowls,  a milk  jug,  a large  cup  and  saucer 
and  a saucer  dish,  enamelled  with  the  same  arms,  the 
g-round  with  Chinese  figures  in  landscapes  and  flower 
spravs,  gold  link  borders,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung 
(281,  693-695). 

c?  . <p  . — * 293 

Smyth  and  Charnock,  impaling  Btjrgess.  A Leeds 
cream  ware  water  bottle,  fluted  and  painted  with  the 
arms,  motto,  Qua  pote  lucet,  9 in.  high,  Sir  Charles 
Smyth,  5th  Baronet,  of  Hill  Hall,  Theydon  Bois, 
married  in  1760  Elizabeth  Burgess,  and  a jug  printed 
with  the  Fishmongers’  Arms,  6f in.  high. 

/.//  (p  293a  Smyth  of  Walsham,  Norfolk,  an  oval  shape  fruit  dish 
and  stand,  with  the  arms,  crest  a horse’s  head,  the 
brown  and  gold  borders  painted  with  English'  flowers, 
Ch’ien-lung,  12\in . unde. 

//  yy  , — 294  St alton.  A cylindrical  mug,  enamelled  with  the  arms 
in  a shaped  shield,  gold  scroll  outline  and  flowers,  the 
border  with  festoons,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  51  in. 
high  (896). 

From  the  7.  7.  Howard  collection. 

Op  ./  C ( 295  Stanley,  Baronet,  impaling  Granville.  A plate, 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a chaplet  of  olive  pen- 
dant from  a sword,  the  border  with  flowers  and  diaper 
pattern,  famille  verte,  K’ang-hsi. 

Sir  John  Stanley  of  Grange  Gorman,  Dublin, 
Baronet,  in  1699  married  Anne  Granville,  of  Stoic, 
Cornwall,  sister  of  George,  Lord  Lansdown  of  Bideford. 

(q  (q 

296  Stocker.  A plate,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a 
dove,  the  border  with  interlaced  ornament  and  the  crest 
repeated,  Ch’ien-lung  (586).  Spencer,  impaling 
Shaw.  A Nankin  plate  with  the  arms,  crest  a tiger’s 
head  (597).  John  Spencer,  paymaster  of  the  Hon.  East 
India  Company , married  Catherine  Shaw,  of  Eltham. 
Somers.  An  Imari  plate  with  the  arms,  crest,  a coat  of 
mail  hanging  on  a laurel  tree  (572). 


297  Stuckey,  quartering  Bartlett.  Two  cylindrical  mugs, 
, enamelled  with  the  arms  in  shields,  depending  from 
3 ■ 3 ■ (o  blue  ribbons,  the  ground  with  flower  sprays,  farnille 
rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  4f in.  high  (633,  634). 

298  Stuckey,  etc.  A part  tea  service,  of  the  same,  com- 
prising a tea  pot,  cover  and  stand,  a tea  caddy  and 
cover,  a sugar  basin,  a milk  jug*  and  cover,  a bowl,  a 
/tT  / cT  _ spoon  tray,  two  plates,  a tea  cup,  a coffee  cup  and  a 
saucer  (154,  626,  627,  628,  629,  630,631,632,877, 
795,  796). 

299  Stuckey,  etc.  A pair  of  octagonal  soup  tureens  and 
(1 2.—  covers  of  the  same,  12m.  wide. 

300  Sydenham.  A saucer,  enamelled  with  the  arms  and 
crest,  a ram’s  head  (605).  Anonymous.  Two  milk 
3.3-  jugs,  a caddy,  three  cups,  a small  bowl,  and  seven  cups 
and  nine  saucers,  with  similar  armorials. 

301  Talbot,  impaling  Clopton.  A pair  of  small  plates, 
enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest  on  a chapeau  gules,  a 
. lion  statant,  the  borders  with  flowers  and  emblems  in 
fci . IQ) . (f  colours  and  gold,  farnille  verte,  K’ang-hsi  (731,  732). 

Talbot.  A small  plate  with  the  arms  and  crest,  the 
borders  similar  (733),  and  a coffee  cup  (1018). 

Talbot,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence,  Cardonnel.  A 
tea  cup  and  saucer,  with  the  arms  differently  depicted, 
supporters  two  talbots,  motto,  Hurnani  nihil  alienwm 

Tennent.  A Gankin  tea  pot  and  cover,  enamelled  with 
the  arms  in  a shield,  surmounted  by  the  crest,  motto, 
Pro  utilitate,  the  borders  painted  with  butterflies  and 
diaper  pattern  in  blue  and  gilt,  Ch’ien-lung , 6 \in.  high 

304  Tennent.  Two  cylindrical  mugs  of  the  same,  5 \in.  and 
(o  &Z . ~ 5f  m.  high  (653,  668). 

305  Thompson,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence,  Roundell.  A 
circular  dish  enamelled  with  the  arms  quarterly,  in  Ihe 
border,  crest,  a dexter  arm  holding  a lance,  seaport 
s scenes  in  the  Dresden  taste  are  also  depicted  round  the 
h 3 ^ border,  the  centre  with  peony  branches,  farnille  rose, 
Y ung-cheng , 14m.  diam.  (496). 

Beilby  Thompson,  of  Esprick,  Yorks,  married 
secondly  Sarah  Roundell.  of  Hutton,  Wansley. 


— 306  Tomkins.  An  octagonal  soup  tureen  and  cover  enamelled 

with  the  arms  surrounded  by  red  and  gold  scrolls,  crest, 
a lion  rampant  holding  a tilting  lance,  bordered  with 
flowers  and  bamboo,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , Yl\in. 
wide  (461). 

— 307  Townshend,  Baron  Townshend,  of  Lynn,  impaling 

Harrison.  A Nankin  basin  and  another,  painted  with 
the  arms,  supporters,  a stag  and  a greyhound,  crest, 
a stag  statant  (920,  921),  and  a large  punch  bowl  of  the 
same,  pencilled  with  birds  and  peony  branches,  etc., 
in  Indian  ink  and  gold  (70). 

Baron  T ownshend  married  in  1723,  Audrey  Harrison, 
of  Balls  Pond,  Hertford. 

/ 3 / 3.  — 308  Trevor,  Baron  Trevor  of  Bromham,  impaling  Weldon, 

A cylindrical  mug  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a shield 
with  two  cockatrice  supporters,  crest,  a cockatrice 
sable,  and  with  flowers  and  emblems,  the  border  of 
rouge  de  fer  and  gilt  diaper,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 
6 in.  high  (463),  and  a tea  cup  and  saucer  of  the  same 

The  first  Baron  Tre'vor,  of  Bromham,  married 
secondly  in  1704  Anne  Weldon,  of  St.  Lawrence,  Jewry, 

From  the  Collection  of  the  late  Rt.  Hon.  Lord 

From  the  J . J . Howard  Collection. 

3 . 3 ~~  309  Tuite,  impaling  Stafford.  A pair  of  sauce  boats 

enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  an 
angel  with  sword  and  shield,  Ch’ien-lung  (691,  692). 

/t>.  /^.-310 

Tulloch.  A coffee  pot  and  cover,  a tea  cup  and  saucer 
and  a salt  cellar  enamelled  with  the  arms  surrounded 
by  scrolls  and  with  flowers,  etc.,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung  (512,  513,  514).  Anonymous.  Two  tea  caddies 
and  covers  with  crests  and  monograms,  and  a basin  with 
arms  and  escutcheon  of  pretence  (229,  311,  449). 
Trotman,  pretence  Wardell.  Two  old  English  saucers 
and  a cup,  with  the  arms  and  wlieatsheaf  crest. 



//.  //  - 




£ a. 






Turner,  impaling  Purnell.  A part  tea  service 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  of  rouge  de 
fer,  sepia  and  gilt,  the  borders  with  foliage  in  similar 
colours,  crest,  a nag’s  head  erased  enfiled  with  a ducal 
coronet,  Ch’ien-lung,  comprising  a teapot,  cover  and 
stand,  a sugar  basin,  a spoon  tray,  two  small  deep 
plates,  a tea  cup,  a coffee  cup,  and  two  saucers,  11 
pieces  (838-845). 

Vaughan.  A tea  cup  and  saucer,  painted  with  the  arms 
in  black,  crest,  a boy’s  head,  motto,  In  prudentia  et 
simplicitate , and  a spoon  tray  of  the  same  (249,  995). 
Anonymous.  A teapot,  a bowl  and  a cup  and  saucer, 
with  the  arms,  etc.,  in  black  and  gold,  a small  bowl, 
a teapot  stand  and  a pair  of  small  plates  enamelled 
with  arms,  etc. 

Vavasour  and  Chaplin.  Two  cylindrical  mugs 
enamelled  with  the  arms  side  by  side,  the  elaborate 
mantling  in  colours  and  gold,  surmounted  by  the  crest, 
a cock  gules,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , bin.  and  5 \in. 
high  (8,  596). 

William  Vavasour,  of  Weston,  York,  married  Anne 
Chaplin,  of  Tathwell,  Lincoln. 

From  the  J . J.  Howard  Collection. 

Walker,  quarterly.  A set  of  four  cylindrical  mugs 
enamelled  with  the  arms  and  greyhound  crest,  the 
(d  shield  surrounded  by  gold  scrolls  and  flowers,  famille 
rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  4f in.  and  5 in.  high  (216  to  219). 

Walker,  impaling.  A teapot  and  cover  and  a tea  cup, 
painted  with  the  arms  in  red  and  gold  scroll  mantling, 
crest,  a greyhound  (524,  525).  Warne.  A caddy  and 
cover,  and  a coffee  cup  and  saucer  with  the  arms,  crest, 
a lion  argent,  motto,  Garde  la  foi  (148,  1491  Wright. 

- A caddy  and  cover  with  the  arms,  crest,  a dragon’s 
head  erased  (3).  Wythe.  A tea  cup  and  saucer  with 
the  arms,  crest,  a griffin  holding  a spear  piercing  a 
boar’s  head  (814).  Witts,  impaling  Ashill.  A tea 
pot  and  cover  and  a saucer,  the  arms  quarterly  of  six, 
crest,  an  eagle  holding  a sprig  of  broom  (1012). 

Walker,  with  the  escutcheon  of  pretence.  An 
octagonal  dish,  enamelled  with  the  arms  in  a cartouche, 
the  border  in  lake  and  with  flower  sprays,  motto,  In- 
dustry blest  by  Providence,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 
15 in.  wide. 


/S./S.  - 


/o  . /o . 

Jf  . / Af  . Cd 

(q  /C 

S.  S'. 

naBiiir-i  * '■ ; ir ' ' 

317  Wallop,  Earl  of. Portsmouth.  A pair  of  octagonal  salt 
cellars,  enamelled  with,  the  crest,  a mermaid  holding* 
in  dexter  hand  a mirror  or,  above,  an  earl’s  coronet 
(148,  149),  and  a Chamberlain’s  Worcester  plate 

painted  with  the  arms,  and  with  flowers  on  blue  ground. 

318  Watson,  of  Woolpit,  Suffolk.  A bowl  and  a milk  jug 
enamelled  with  the  arms  surrounded  by  scrolls  in  pink, 
green  and  gold,  and  with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung,  10 in.  diam.  (853,  970). 

319  Watson,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence.  Two  soup  plates 
and  a saucer  with  the  arms,  crest,  a lion  argent  (859, 
860,  1013).  White.  Two  large  cups  enamelled  with 
the  arms  (541,  542).  Anonymous.  Three  two-handled 
coffee  cups  with  arms,  monograms,  etc.,  and  six  others 
(246,  1023,  45). 

320  Watts.  A tea  pot  and  cover,  a caddy,  a milk  jug  and 
cover,  and  a coffee  cup  and  saucer,  enamelled  with  the 
arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a sea-dog’s  head,  and 
with  flowers  in  gold  and  Indian  ink,  in  panels  on  gold 
diaper  ground,  Ch’ien-lung  (84-86). 

321  Way,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence,  Lockey.  A pair 
of  shaped  mugs  enamelled  with  arms  and  eagle  crest, 
Ch’ien-lung , 6 in.  high  (943,  944). 

Lewis  Way,  President  of  Guy’s  Hospital,  London, 
married  thirdly  in  1738,  Abigail  Lockey,  of  Home  Hill, 

322  Way.  A teapot,  a cover,  a milk  jug  and  cover,  and 
two  tea  cups  enamelled  with  the  same  arms  and  crest, 
Ch’ien-lung  (945,  946,  1005,  1006). 

323  Wheling,  impaling  Bull.  A punch  bowl  enamelled 
with  the  arms  and  surrounded  by  festoons  of  flowers, 
crest,  a lion’s  jamb  holding  a mullet,  the  border  with 
festoons  in  gold  and  colours,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 
12 in.  diam.  (277). 


324  Wilkinson.  A large  tea  pot  and  cover,  a small  tea  pot 
and  cover,  a milk  jug,  a tea  cup,  and  a coffee  cup, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling,  crest,  a 
■ h ~ fox’s  head  erased  holding  a dragon’s  wing,  famille 
rose,  Ch’ien-lung , and  a bowl  of  the  same  (641-645, 


7 <7  <f 

Williams-Lloyd.  A milk  jug  painted  with  the  arms  in 
Indian  ink  and  gold,  crest,  a demi-lion,  motto, 
Ofnwn’r  arglwydd  (908).  Anonymous.  A tea  caddy 
and  cover,  seven  cups  and  saucers,  seven  other  saucers, 
and  two  salt  cellars,  with  various  arms,  crests  and 

326  Wills  (?)  A plate,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest  a 
demi-griffin,  the  border  with  European  shipping  scenes, 
__  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung  (568),  and  Wynyard, 
^ ■ impaling  St.  Ledger.  A plate  with  the  arms,  crest,  an 
antelope,  motto,  Eprouvez  (567). 

327  Wilson.  A part  tea  service,  enamelled  with  the  arms 
in  scroll  mantling,  of  pink,  green,  and  gold,  and  with 
flower  sprays,  crest,  a demi-lion  rampant,  motto, 

. Sincerity , famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  comprising’  a tea 

''  ' pot  and  cover,  a milk  jug,  a bowl,  a tea  cup,  a cup  with 
two  handles,  and  two  saucers,  8 pieces  (175-178,  809). 

Woodley.  A part  tea  service,  enamelled  with  the  owl 
crest,  flower  sprays,  and  gilt  with  monogram 
W.  W.  below,  the  borders  of  pink  diaper,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ ien-lung , comprising  a tea  pot,  cover  and  stand,  two 
plates,  a chocolate  cup,  a tea  cup,  a coffee  cup  and 
three  saucers,  10  pieces  (101-108). 

329  Woodward,  impaling  Sydenham.  Two  Nankin  tea  cups 
and  a saucer,  enamelled  with  the  arms  and  laurel,  crest, 
a stag  trippant,  initials  J.  E.  W.,  and  with  blue  and 
gold  borders,  Cli’ ien-lung  (604,  703).  Woolley, 
£ l(i  (o  impaling1  Joicey.  An  octagonal  sauce  tureen  cover  and 
stand,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  crest,  a man’s  head  in 
coat  of  mail,  the  ground  with  flowers,  fruit,  ribbons 
and  bamboo,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung. 




(f>  . / <£>  • C?  330  Wyatt,  impaling-  Barnard.  A part  tea  service, 
enamelled  with  the  arms  in  scroll  mantling’,  the  borders 
with  flower  festoons,  crest  a demi-lion  rampant,  hold- 
ing an  arrow,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , comprising 
two  tea  pots  and  covers,  a milk  jug’  and  cover,  two  tea 
cups,  a coffee  cup  and  two  saucers,  11  pieces  (52-54, 
677,  967,  1004). 

From  the  J . J . Howard  Collection. 

S . - — 331  Yonge,  co.  Devon,  with  escutcheon  of  pretence, 

Howard.  A plate  enamelled  with  the  arms,  supporters, 
a boar  and  a griffin,  crest,  a hoar’s  head,  motto,  Laudat 
qui  invidet,  the  border  with  scroll  work  in  rouge  de  fer 
and  gold  (587). 

Sir  William  Yonge,  a Knight  Founder  of  the  Bath, 
married  secondly  in  1729  Anne,  daughter  of  Thomas, 
1th  Baron  Howard  of  Effingham. 


3 . /3 . 332  A punch  howl,  enamelled  with  the  arms,  probably  of 

a Society,  supporters,  two  huntsmen,  crest,  a stag’s 
head,  mottoes,  Innocence  with  freedom,  Be  merry  and 
wise,  and  with  flower  sprays,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung, 
12 in.  diam. 

3 . /3-  b 333 

Two  cylindrical  mugs,  enamelled  with  a woman  milking 
a cow,  monogram  E.S.S.,  and  with  blue  and  gilt 
borders,  4f in.  and  4 \in.  high. 

334  A set  of  three  cylindrical  mug’s,  enamelled  with  arms  in 
shields,  and  with  sprays  and  border  of  flowers,  famille 
rose,  Ch’ien-lung,  4 \in.  to  6m.  high  (891,  892,  893). 
and  a punch  howl,  enamelled  with  the  same  arms  and 
sprays  of  flowers,  lO^m.  diam.  (890). 

A . 3 . ~~  335  Two  cylindrical  mugs,  enamelled  with  armorials  in  car- 

touches,  bordered  with  flowers  and  gold  scrolls,  sur- 
mounted by  a coronet  and  crest,  famille  rose,  Cli’ien- 
lung,  h\in.  and  5§m.  high  (74,  75). 




33  T 

<5".  5". 




3./2 . < 


(q  . / (p  . 


6~  fb\  1 





Two  mugs,  enamelled  with  arms  and  crests,  sprays  and 
borders  of'  flowers,  a milk  jug  and  cover,  a bowl,  a tea 
cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer,  famille  ruse,  Ch’ien-lung 

Two  cylindrical  mugs,  enamelled  with  the  same 
armorials,  in  shields  bordered  with  garlands  and  sprays 
* of  flowers,  and  surmounted  by  a crest,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung,  4 \in.  and  5f in.  high  (160,  161). 

A shaped  mug,  enamelled  with  armorials,  peony 
branches  and  bamboo,  crest,  a female  bust,  4 \in.  high 
' (55),  a tea  pot  and  cover,  54m.  high  (752),  and  a milk 
jug  and  cover,  with  the  same  arms,  5 in.  high  (753), 
famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung. 

A pair  of  sauce  boats,  enamelled  with  arms  and  crest, 
a lion  rampant,  parrots  and  flowers,  famille  rose, 
Ch’ien-lung  (313,  314). 

A part  tea  service  enamelled  with  the  crest,  a griffin 
segreant,  flower  sprays  in  panels  and  gilt  with  mono- 
gram, famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , comprising  a tea  pot, 
cover  and  stand,  a sugar  basin  and  cover,  a milk  jug 
w and  cover,  a tea  caddy  and  cover,  a spoon  tray,  a 
saucer  dish,  a tea  cup,  two  coffee  cups  and  a saucer, 
15  pieces  (62-69,  87,  704). 

A part  tea  service  enamelled  with  armorials  in  panels 
bordered  with  flowers,  castle  crest,  and  with  bands  of 
, blue  and  gold  diaper  pattern,  Ch’ien-lung,  comprising 
a tea  pot,  cover  and  stand,  a milk  jug,  a caddy  and 
cover,  a tea  cup,  coffee  cup  and  saucer  and  a spoon  trav 

Two  bowls  of  the  same  service,  10m.  and  1 lin.  diam. 
; (440,  441). 

A circular  dish  enamelled  with  armorials  and  crest,  the 
border  with  flower  branches,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 
15 in.  diam.  (497). 


V.  £ 

344  A bowl  enamelled  witli  monograms  in  cartouches,  crests 
and  groups  of  flowers,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien-lung , 9 \in. 
diam.  (749). 

From  Kensington  Palace,  originally  the  property  of 
the  Duke  of  Sussex. 

O . 3 - 345  A punch  howl  enamelled  with  armorials  in  the  interior, 

the  exterior  with  crests,  a goat’s  head,  Win.  diam.  (50), 
and  another,  smaller,  with  armorials,  crest,  and  flower- 
sprays  (1041). 

A punch  howl,  enamelled  with  armorials,  douhle-lieaded 
eagle  crest,  flowers  and  bamboo,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 
lung,  11  \in.  diam.  (516). 

/if . /y  — 347  Another,  enamelled  with  armorials  and  crest  in  diaper 
panels,  and  with  flowers  in  gold,  Ch’ien-lung , 10 \in. 
diam.  (854). 

?■  9- 

- 348 

A coffee  pot  and  cover  finely  enamelled  with  armorials 
surrounded  by  gold  scroll  work  and  flowers  in  panels, 
crest,  a double  swan,  the  border  also  introduces  the 
crest  and  with  flowers  and  bamboo,  famille  rose,  Ch’ien- 

See  illustration. 

//^  — 349  A Lambeth  Delft  bowl,  the  interior  painted  with 
armorials  in  scroll  mantling,  the  exterior  with  flowers 
in  panels  on  decorated  powder  blue  ground,  the  base 
inscribed  I.  M.  M.,  1736,  10^’n.  diam. 

2 . /2 . 0 

350  A vessel-  with  the  arms  of  a company  ot  Watermen,  two 
cups  and  an  old  Worcester  mug  painted  with  a stag, 
crest  and  initials  J.  P.  M. 



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